Difference between revisions of "Unmade"

6 bytes added ,  8 months ago
emboldened Yelig-nar's title
m (removed incorrect association between Dai-Gonarthis and the Faceless)
m (emboldened Yelig-nar's title)
|[[Traxil]], line 33 - [[Jasnah's notebook]]{{epigraph ref|sa1|45}}
'''[[Yelig-nar]]''', also known as '''Blightwind''',{{epigraph ref|sa1|45}} differs from the other Unmade. Instead of having a specific physical appearance, he is capable of joining with humans or singers who swallow his gemstone, granting them command of the [[Surge]]s.{{epigraph ref|sa3|95}}{{book ref|sa3|118}} [[Hessi]]'s research indicates this may include all ten Surges, though given the Voidbringers' view of the Surge of [[Adhesion]],{{book ref|sa4|31}} Yelig-Nar may only grant the other nine. Those he possesses have red eyes, grow crystals from their bodies, and appear to be wreathed in a black wind.{{book ref|sa3|84}}{{book ref|sa3|120}} Those that join with Yelig-nar must control him if they do not wish to be consumed by him.{{book ref|sa3|118}}
== Trivia ==