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(Removed speculation.)
Trellium can steal Allomantic and Feruchemical abilities and grant them to kandra.{{book ref|mb5|epilogue}} Presumably its Hemalurgic ability is similar to that of [[atium]], allowing the transfer of any ability with somewhat variable success depending on the binding point. Using it as a [[Hemalurgy|Hemalurgic]] spike can keep the user hidden from [[Harmony]].{{wob ref|6300}}{{wob ref|307}} This has a limited effect, however, and any more than a single spike will make the user visible to the Shard. It is an inherent property of the metal, and not a Hemalurgic attribute, that hides the user.{{wob ref|6300}}
Using trellium as a spike allows users to communicate with others. They can speak to others who have a Hemalurgic spike, but they cannot hear their thoughts.{{book ref|mb5|9}}{{book ref|mb5|10}} They can also create a Connection with Autonomy's avatars, allowing them to communicate and feel each other's presence.{{book ref|mb7|19}}{{book ref|mb7|66}} Some individuals spiked with trellium exhibit glowing red eyes at times.{{book ref|mb7|55}} This behavior is inconsistent; [[Granks]]'s eyes start faintly glowing during his fight with Marasi, then the glow becomes vivid when he is near death. The glow fades once Marasi removes his trellium spike and he dies.{{book ref|mb7|6}} Furthermore, Autonomy herself can act and speak through an individual spiked by a trellium spike.{{book ref|mb7|55}}{{book ref|mb7|epilogue|1}} The exact factors that allow Autonomy to do so are unclear; as both known instances of her control involve the individual near death, it may be that she can only do so when the soul is close to the [[Spiritual Realm]].
=== Hemalurgic Constructs ===