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217 bytes added ,  6 months ago
Sazed describes these two interactions in different terms, they do not appear to be the same thing.
(Removed speculation.)
(Sazed describes these two interactions in different terms, they do not appear to be the same thing.)
=== Interactions with Harmonium ===
When an electric current is passed through [[harmonium]], the metal softens and its Investiture begins to polarize, becoming more atium-like on one end and more lerasium-like on the other.{{book ref|mb7|15}} If trellium is inserted between the two poles, a violent reaction occurs, as some of the harmonium's Investiture or matter is converted into pure energy.{{book ref|mb7|17}} TheWhile this technique fails to divide the harmonium, the resultant blast is extremely powerful; converting less than half a gram of harmonium into energy is capable of destroying a thick safe and the fortified room around it.{{book ref|mb7|17}} This interaction can be used to create powerful bombs; however, as these weapons rely upon a novel energy release mechanism, not even Autonomy or [[Harmony]] fully understand their true destructive potential.{{book ref|mb7|69}} In addition, the explosion produces small amounts of [[lerasium]] and [[atium]].{{book ref|mb7|71}}{{book ref|mb7|epilogue|4}} Harmony uses this effect to manufacture atium.
A separate interaction, detonating harmonium against trellium, produces small amounts of [[lerasium]] and [[atium]].{{book ref|mb7|71}}{{book ref|mb7|epilogue|4}} Harmony uses this effect to manufacture atium.
== Allomantic Use ==
