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Little to nothing is known about the early history of Threnody. Soon after the [[Shattering]] the Shard [[Odium]] arrived in the system chasing [[Ambition]], intent on killing her{{au ref|Threnody}}. [[Mercy]] was also present,{{epigraph ref |row|27}}, for reasons unknown. The three Shards fought in interplanetary space, battling on all three [[Realmatic Theory|Realms]]. Odium tore chunks of Investiture off Ambition during the fight, mortally wounding the other Shard. These broken chunks of power twisted every planet in the system, including Threnody and its people. Ambition fled the system, pursued by Odium.
Some level of Investiture existed on the planet before the conflict, although it is unknown whether it was a natural manifestation or if it was related to Ambition. The origin of the human population is unknown, but it predates Ambition's arrival. They populated the larger of the two continents, later known as the [[Fallen World]], building a technologically advanced culture that had developed gunpowder.{{book ref|sfs}} Threnodite explorers discovered the smaller, more heavily-forested continent on their world, which was populated predominantly by shades. The horrified explorers called the area the [[Forests of Hell]], believing the shades to be the spirits of the damned.