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''See also: [[Shade]]s''
Unlike some of the other worlds where full Shards of Adonalsium are present, such as [[Roshar]] or [[Scadrial]], there is no active manifestation of Investiture that humans can make use of themselves.{{qa ref|1076|32|The magic is more something you interact with, not something you perform because there isn't a shard there.|date=6 March 2014}} The investiture on Threnody takes the form of [[shade]]s, barely conscious Cognitive Shadows of human spirits.{{au ref|Threnody}} They take the form of a translucent white figures that wander the Forests.{{book ref|sfs}} They are not innately aggressive, but respond violently to any violations of the [[Simple Rules]], which will enrage them to violence. The body of anyone a shade touches is withered and if the contact is bad enough, the person will die and occasionally return as a shade themselves. The only thing that is able to combat shades is silver. It is unknown whether or not silver on Threnody is Invested in any way. The Evil is also related to Cogntive Shadows in some way, but specifically how is still uncertain.{{qa ref|1052|22|Everything is related to Adonalsium in the Cosmere, most of the magic you're seeing is a just a natural outgrowth of Cosmere related magic and cognitive shadows. The Evil is similarly related.|date=21 March 2014}}
Prior to Odium's clash with Ambition, there was some other form of Investiture already in existence, but its precise origin is still unknown.{{au ref|Threnody}} It may simply be a natural manifestation of Investiture, or it could be related to Ambition. It is uncertain whether this Investiture still exists.