Difference between revisions of "The Alloy of Law"

;''[[Originators]]'': The group that survived the Final Ascension with the Lord Mistborn 300 years ago.
== SequelSeries ==
There will be two confirmedother sequelsbooks toin the Allow of Law series, entitled ''[[Shadows of Self]]'' and "''The Bands of Mourning"''. Though this expansion of the series is not to be taken for the second Mistborn trilogy but rather a stand-alone story. ''[[Shadows of Self]]'' is scheduled to be released in October, 2015 and ''The Bands of Mourning'' is scheduled for release in early 2016. {{Ref|text=http://brandonsandersonwww.tor.com/shadows2014/12/18/mistborn-alloy-of-selflaw-cover-reveal-updatessequels/}}
== Publication ==
