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Taravangian is fully aware of Odium’s ´power. In desperation, he makes a deal with him. The agreement would trade his help by sharing the diagram’s information (through he could not read Renarin´s participation) and giving him the honor blade in exchange for sparing the people from Kharbranth (city itself, any humans born into it, along with their spouses).
Odium recognizes Taravangian’s passion. Quoting “Your passion does you credit”. {{book ref|sa3|121}}
== Quotes ==
| Our law will claim innocent men-for all judges are flawed, as is our knowledge. Eventually, you will execute someone who does not deserve it. This is the burden society must carry in exchange for order".
| Taravangian to Dalinar on executing three murderers and one innocent {{book ref|sa3|28}}
| Someone must bear the responsibility, someone must be dragged down by it, ruined by it. Someone must stain their souls so others may live. Society offers us up to trudge through dirtly waters to others may be clean.
| Taravangian to Dalinar {{book ref|sa3|86}}
| Nightwatcher, Odiums victory will kill you too. Couldn't you gift me and not curse me?
| Taravangian reflecting alone {{book ref|sa3|121}}
== Notes ==
