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m (mostly history to past tense)
|Child Tanalan{{book ref|sa3|11}}
At the age of seven heTanalan witnessed his [[Tanalan's father|father]] die at the hands of [[Dalinar]] Kholin.{{book ref|sa3|11}} At the arrival of the [[Gavilar]] Kholin's and [[Torol Sadeas]]' armies, Tanalan and his [[Tanalan's mother|mother]] were sent to hide within a secret room, set within the rock and hidden behind a [[crem ]]-covered door.{{book ref|sa3|11}} After Tanalan's father iswas gravely injured during battle with Dalinar, his guards attemptattempted to hide him within the same hidden chamber,; however, they arewere pursued by the Blackthorn. When Dalinar findsarrived, he found Tanalan's father dead on arrival as well asand Tanalan attempting to defend his parents using the [[shardbladeShardblade]] [[Oathbringer (Shardblade)|Oathbringer]].{{book ref|sa3|11}} Despite orders to kill Tanalan, Dalinar allowsallowed him and his mother to escape.{{book ref|sa3|36}}
===Return of the Heir and Rathalas Rebellion===
Nine years later, Tanalan returnsreturned to [[Rathalas]] to take his place as city lord and demandsdemanded the return of his father's [[shardbladeShardblade]].{{book ref|sa3|36}} His return throwsthrew the region into chaos, however,though open rebellion doesdid not occur for at least another year.{{book ref|sa3|49}} Gavilar respondsresponded not with force but with diplomacy, hoping to nip the issue in the bud with politics.{{book ref|sa3|36}} During thisthat time, Tanalan gainsgained support and beginsbegan working in secret with at least one of the other highprinces[[highprince]]s.{{book ref|sa3|49}}
===Battle at the Rift (1163)===
After failing to secure Rathalas through political means, Gavilar ordersordered Dalinar and Sadeas to return to the riftRift and confront Tanalan directly andto quell the rebellion.{{book ref|sa3|66}} The Kholin army arrivesarrived before that of Sadeas, and shortly before Dalinar's arrival on the battlefield, an armed convoy leavesleft the city heading south eastsoutheast. Presumed to be from a highprince turned traitor, the convoy iswas tailed, but not initially pursued.{{book ref|sa3|71}}
Dalinar, at his wife's request for mercy, meetsmet Tanalan on the battlefield, offering him a final chance to submit to the King and save his city from destruction.{{book ref|sa3|71}} Tanalan seemingly acceptsaccepted Dalinar's offer, choosing to pretend he was working with Dalinar and the King from the beginning in order to root out betrayal among the highprinces. He namesnamed Sadeas as the traitor.{{book ref|sa3|71}} However, when Dalinar pursuespursued the escaping caravan, he findsfound he hashad been betrayed not by Sadeas, but by Tanalan, who had hoped to draw Dalinar away from the city and assassinate him. Consumed by rage and the [[Thrill]], Dalinar returnsreturned to the warcampcamp to find the newly arrived Sadeas preparing to blockade the city.{{book ref|sa3|75}}
Tanalan sendssent an envoy to negotiate with the armies, after [[Evi]] Kholin steals awaystole into the city to attempt to convince him to surrender.{{book ref|sa3|76}} The messengers arewere killed before they arrivearrived at the camp, and Dalinar ordersordered the gates to be breached and the city to be burned to the ground. Tanalan iswas pulled from the burning city by Dalinar's men as he attemptsattempted to reach his trapped family, who shortly afterwards arewere killed when the palace collapsescollapsed.{{book ref|sa3|76}} Tanalan diesdied by asphyxiation after telling Dalinar that Evi had been imprisoned in the hidden room that had housed him and his mother all those years ago; Dalinar thus realizesrealized that she iswas dead by his own hand.{{book ref|sa3|76}}
== Notes ==