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<!-- Please update map with the current Jian Guo version from the Omnibus as soon as possible. -->
<!-- Map Updated - 20230929 -->
'''Taldain''' is a planet in the [[cosmere]] located within the [[Taldain system]] and is the current residence of the [[Shard]] [[Autonomy]].{{wob ref|4021}}{{wob ref|6880}} It is the home world of [[Khriss]], and is the world upon which the story of ''[[White Sand]]'' is set.
Taldain is a tidally locked planet; one side of the world experiences perpetual day while the other side is locked in a type of endless night. This caused the ecology and culture on both sides of the planet to develop separately from one another. The two prominent cultures on Taldain are known as Dayside and Darkside.{{au ref|Taldain}} The individuals pertaining to each culture are known as 'Daysiders' and 'Darksiders' respectively. There is a temperature difference between the two halves, though not enough for it to snow on Darkside.{{wob ref|4158}}
The area between both sides is known as the [[Border Ocean]] which has the '''Terminal Storm''', whereat stormsthe ragecenter, violentlya onperpetual the seas,storm making it dangerous to cross.{{book ref|ws|part=ars}}{{book ref|ws|prologue}}
=== Dayside ===
{{image|Kerla Excerpt.jpg|side=right|width=150px|Kerla Landscape, as sketched by Duchess Khrissalla.}}
Most of the planet’s Investiture is found on Dayside.{{wob ref|1509}} Much of Dayside is covered in [[Sand (Taldain)|sand]] and rock, the sand itself being covered by lichen. This lichen is where the sand's striking white color comes from as well as the reason it changes frombetween white toand black in the process of sand mastery and other forms of investiture.{{book ref|ws|11|review=yes}}
'''Dayside''' is home to one large circular landmass that is surrounded by ocean on all sides. On this landmass there are five nations; [[Kerzta]], [[Lossand]], [[Denka]], [[Seevis]], and [[Tallon]]. There is a mountain range on the eastern side of the landmass, which runsmarks throughthe borders of Seevis and Nor'Tallon and bordersseparates Seevisthe [[Rim Kingdoms]] from Kerzta and TallonLossand. A mountain named [[KraeDa]] lies at the center of Dayside.{{book ref|ws|5|review=yesprologue}} A wide variety of Flora and Fauna make their home on this part of the planet. But due to the harshness of the sunlight and environment, most of the flora and fauna live beneath the surface of the sand.{{au ref|Taldain}} In the [[Kerla]], where itthe water table is coolerhigh, the majority of life is found in a unique ecosystem beneath the sand that has been described as more like a lake of sand than a desert.{{aubook ref|Taldainws|part=ars}}
==== Flora ====
In the Kerla, most plants, including farms of vegetables, exist beneath the sand.{{book ref|ws|part=ars}} The [[Dorimdorim vine]] is a plant used as a water source on Dayside by its inhabitants, and areas where they grow are not considered to be a desert. The plant stores water primarily as a defensive measure against other creatures as its water dissolves the shells of many sand creatures. Because of this any creature attempting to eat the plant would find their mouths beginning to melt.{{book ref|ws|3|review=yes}} As a result, the growth of Dorimdorim vines limits how large sandlings can grow in these regions.{{book ref|ws|9|review=yes}}
The citybanks of the [[KezareRy'Do_Ali_River|Ry'do Ali]] in Lossand is cultivated for farming anddespite isthe morearea being less fertile than the lowKerla.{{book sandref|ws|4}}{{wob regions,ref|3963}}{{book asref|ws|part=ars}} aPlants resultin this area of thisrocky itlow hassands are described as being noticbly shorter and "more variedstumpy" than Darkside flora.{{book ref|ws|4|reviewpart=yes}}{{wob ref|3963ars}} The [[Lonzare|Darkside quarter]] of the city also[[Kezare]] has flowers native to Darkside growing within it.{{book ref|ws|5|review=yes}}
==== Fauna ====
[[Sandling]]s inhabit theall areas known asof the deepcontinent, sandsranging onin thesize continent,from andinsectile itsandlings found everywhere to gargantuan deep sandlings. It is rare for thema deep sandling to venture far from the [[deep sandssand]]s.{{book ref|ws|2|review=yes}} SandlingsMost sandlings live by eating the layer of sand exposed to the surface.sun, Similarand todigesting whatthe happenslichen whenthat itcovers isthe usedsand. for Sand Mastery, theThe sand turns dull after being digested, andbut needsthe tolichen rechargefrom undigested sand will spread back onto it, given time.{{book ref|ws|9|reviewpart=yesars}} Some sandlings, like the [[DelRak]]in are predators that eat other sandlings.{{book ref|ws|9}}
There are multiple breeds of thisdeep type of creaturesandling. Some of them, such as Karaks[[KaRak]]in, are hunted for sport.{{book ref|ws|9|review=yes}} Another breed consists of thousands of small sandlings which stickact togetheras a group in the deep sands; when they move they agitate the sand above them causing them to be mistaken for a much larger creature forcing wanderers to retreat.{{book ref|ws|9|review=yes}} Delrak Naisha are another breed found in the deep sands. They are creatures that wait just beneath the sand; if the sand above them is disturbed, they emerge and consume whatever is above them.{{book ref|ws|9|reviewpart=yesars}}{{book ref|ws|9}}
[[Tonk]]s are a type of domesticated animalsandling on Dayside unrelatedused toas beasts of sandlingsburden; they are primarily used as mounts.{{book ref|ws|3|reviewpart=yesars}}{{book ref|ws|3}} They are scared of water, however, and refuse to cross it, limiting where they can be taken to.{{book ref|ws|4|review=yes}} Travelling with tonks is also frustrating because of their natural instinct to bury themselves underneath sand during a sandstorm and their tendency to mistake many things for sandstorms.{{book ref|ws|4|review=yes}}
[[Terha]]n are another beast of burden, larger than a tonk and often used by soldiers as beasts of war. They may be treated by [[DoKall]] to make thier carapace immune to water when used in this role.{{book ref|ws|part=ars}}{{book ref|ws|9}} [[Rezal]]in may be used for faster long-distance transportation beasts, as their oversized rear legs allow them to move quickly from dune to dune.{{book ref|ws|part=ars}}{{ref|group=fn|text=Use of rezalin as mounts was described in the [[White_Sand_(prose)|prose]] version, but they only get one picture in the Omnibus and a passing reference in the [[Khrissalla's_Journal#Dayside_Kerla_and_Sandlings|Ars Arcanum]] sandling table.}}
=== Darkside ===
'''Darkside''', also known as '''Starside''',{{book ref|ws|prologue}} is illuminated primarily by UV light, the flora having adapted to utilize this section of the electromagnetic spectrum.{{wob ref|4160}} This causes '''Darksiders''' to have illuminated teeth, eyes, and nails.{{wob ref|5781}} The plant and animal life also glows under UV light.{{wob ref|4158}}{{au ref|Taldain}} Visitors to the region often describe it as looking somewhere between striking and garish.{{au ref|Taldain}} It also accounts for why Darksiders have dark skin when they don't live in a traditional climate where a high melanin content is common. Most of Darkside is covered in a lichen.{{book ref|ws|12|review=yes}} When visiting Dayside, Darksiders must wear dark lenses to protect their eyes. They can go without, however, if the angle of the sun is not directly above them.{{book ref|ws|15|review=yes}}
Unlike what was once assumed, Darkside is invested by [[Autonomy]], though the effects of this aren't as noticeable.{{au ref|taldain}}{{wob ref|5876}}{{wob ref|1509}}
== Notes ==
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