Difference between revisions of "Sylphrena"

4,679 bytes removed ,  4 years ago
== Appearance and Personality ==
[[File:Kaladin and Syl by Audrey Hotte.jpeg | thumb|right|300px|<center><small>by {{a|Audrey Hotte}}</small></center> With [[Kaladin]]
She often appeared as a small glowing woman with an angular face and flowing hair, or occasionally a ribbon of light as she was able to change her form like certain other spren. She had a mischievous personality and was often making jokes or playing pranks on those around her. She was usually optimistic and constantly tried to boost Kaladin's spirits when he became depressed and tried to motivate him towards action. As an honorspren, she had a very strict code of ethics which she tried to get Kaladin to abide by, getting upset when he deceived others even when he perceived it as justified.
{{for|/Gallery|more images}}
She often appeared as a small glowing woman with an angular face and flowing hair, or occasionally a ribbon of light as she was able to change her form like certain other spren. She had a mischievous personality and was often making jokes or playing pranks on those around her. She was usually optimistic and constantly tried to boost Kaladin's spirits when he became depressed and tried to motivate him towards action. As an honorspren, she had a very strict code of ethics which she tried to get Kaladin to abide by, getting upset when he deceived others even when he perceived it as justified.
<gallery caption="Images of Sylphrena">
Kaladin.jpg | <center><small>by [[Ben McSweeney]] </small></center> Behind [[Kaladin]] in concept art
Kaladin Allen.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|Alex Allen}}</small></center> With [[Kaladin]], cover of part 1 of ''[[The Way of Kings]]'' Graphic Audio adaptation
Syl.jpg | <center><small>by [[User: Botanicaxu]]</small></center>
Kaladin and Syl.jpg | <center><small> by [[User: Exmakina]]</small></center> Syl and [[Kaladin]]
Sylphrena.jpg | <center><small>by [[User:Fyrebeam]] </small></center> Portrait
Syl caravan.jpg | <center><small>by [[User: Sheep]]</small></center>
Kaladin in WoR.jpg | <center><small>by [[User: Botanicaxu]]</small></center> As a Shardspear
Blackbane syl.jpg | <center><small> by [[User: Sheep]]</small></center> Sylphrena offering [[blackbane]]
Syl sketch.jpg | <center><small> by [[User: Sheep]]</small></center> Sylphrena and [[Kaladin]]
Character sketch kaladin.jpg | <center><small>by [[User: Sheep]]</small></center> [[Kaladin]] and Sylphrena
Kaladin+syl.png | <center><small>by [[User: Khal]]</small></center> Syl with [[Kaladin]]
Duel syl.jpg | <center><small>by [[User: Sheep]]</small></center> Syl in the four-on-one duel
The way of Kings - Kaladin by zippo514.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|Kay Huang}}</small></center> In a [[highstorm]]
Kaladin at Honor Chasm.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|Madison Coyne}}</small></center> At the [[Honor Chasm]]
Kaladin bridgeman fullbody.png | <center><small>by [[User: Exmakina]]</small></center> With [[Kaladin]]
Kaladin charging the Parshendi.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|Pam Hage}}</small></center> Charging the [[Parshendi]]
Kaladin-antti.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|Antti Hakosaari}}</small></center> With [[Kaladin]]
Honor Chasm.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|Thorkild Skov}}</small></center> At the [[Honor Chasm]]
Kaladin stew.jpg | <center><small>by [[User: Sheep]]</small></center> At dinnertime
Abovethestorm.png | <center><small>by {{a|Ashley Coad}}</small></center> Above the storm
Arena kaladin.jpg | <center><small>by [[User: Sheep]]</small></center> During a duel
Shardplateconcept.jpg | <center><small>by [[User: Sheep]]</small></center> With [[Kaladin]]
Kaladin Shuravf.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|Shuravf}}</small></center> With [[Kaladin]]
Kaladin Wind.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|Julia Metzger}}</small></center> With [[Kaladin]] using [[Gravitation]]
Kal Syl.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|Ina Wong}}</small></center>[[Kaladin]] and Syl
Thepathtoheartstone.png | <center><small>by {{a|Ashley Coad}}</small></center> Going to [[Hearthstone]]
Syl by kot0no.png | <center><small>by: {{a|kot0no}}</small></center>In a [[havah]]
Syl by Vladora.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|Vladora}}</small></center>
Syl by June Jenssen.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|June Jenssen}}</small></center>
Syl by LightSeeker131.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|LightSeeker131}}</small></center>Wearing a [[havah]]
Kaladin and Syl by Jules Aguimatang.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|Jules Aguimatang}}</small></center>With [[Kaladin]]
Syl by Jules Aguimatang.jpg |<center><small>by {{a|Jules Aguimatang}}</small></center>
Kaladin and Sylphrena.jpg |<center><small>by {{a|Jewishicequeen}}</small></center> With [[Kaladin]]
File:Syl, Grass and Lifesprens.png |<center><small>by {{a|Jewishicequeen}}</small></center> with [[lifespren]]
Syl Portrait by Marie Seeberger.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|Marie Seeberger}}</small></center>
Syl by Gama.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|Gama}}</small></center>
Syl by Noblesgal.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|Noblesgal}}</small></center>Fighting the [[deathspren]]
Syl by Kat Baumann.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|Kat Baumann}}</small></center>
Kaladin and Syl by Sarctic.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|Sarctic}}</small></center> With [[Kaladin]]
Kaladin and Syl by horizonproblems.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|horizonproblems}}</small></center> With [[Kaladin]]
Kaladin and Syl by cccrystalclear.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|cccrystalclear}}</small></center> With [[Kaladin]]
Kaladin and Syl by Audrey Hotte.jpeg | <center><small>by {{a|Audrey Hotte}}</small></center> With [[Kaladin]]
Kaladin and Syl by Linnéa Sandberg.png | <center><small>by {{a|Linnéa Sandberg}}</small></center> With [[Kaladin]]
Kaladin and Syl by Keith Magnaye.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|Keith Magnaye}}</small></center> With [[Kaladin]]
Kaladin and Syl WoK by cccrystalclear.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|cccrystalclear}}</small></center> With [[Kaladin]]
Syl by Marianne Eie.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|Marianne Eie}}</small></center>
Kaladin+syl.png | <center><small>by {{a|Kiebie Art}}</small></center> With [[Kaladin]]
Deathspren by Ashley Coad.png | <center><small>by {{a|Ashley Coad}}</small></center> Fighting [[deathspren]]
Honor is Dead by ThomasW.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|ThomasW}}</small></center> Speaking with [[Kaladin]]
== History ==
