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==Chapter 20==
Siri again awaits outside the God King’s chamber door. Bluefingers says that he is worried, because creating a child with the God King would be the worst possible thing Siri could do. He hints at different factions in the palace, and that she is in grave danger. Confused, but knowing full well that she is in no danger of becoming pregnant, Siri enters the God King’s chamber. As she drifts off to sleep after her moaning routine to fool the listening priests, Siri is startled by the God King, Susebron, looming over her. She shrieks but apologizes to a startled Susebron. He tentatively shows her a children’s storybook and wants her to read to him. She is confused, but after he opens his mouth, she realizes that his tongue has been cut out so he can’t use any of his Breath and that this makes him a mere figurehead. She begins to use the book to teach him to read.
==Chapter 21==
Vasher climbs from the God King’s palace, using his Awakened clothes to enhance his strength, into the Court. He pretends to be insane and seeking the blessing of the goddess [[Mercystar]]. He uses his Awakened clothing to strangle and knock out the guards and sneaks into her palace. He stumbles into a group of servants, and uses rope to subdue them. He then Awakens a Lifeless squirrel, commanding it to make a ruckus in the palace. He uses the distraction to find the trapdoor entrance to the tunnels leading from the palace and climbs in.
==Chapter 22==
Lightsong plays an impossibly hard game, Tarachin, with the gods Weatherlove, Truthcall, and Lifeblesser. Despite not knowing the rules, Lightsong wins handily. While playing, they discuss politics. The gods, except for Lightsong, plot about going to war with Idris and using the new queen in their political games. Lightsong, knowing she is naive, worries for her but tries to tell himself there is nothing he can do. However, his dreams of war and destruction haunt him, and he sets off to see Blushweaver in hopes of helping the queen and preventing the war.
Vivenna eats in a restaurant with Denth, Tonk Fah, and their contact, [[Fob]]. They convince Fob, a landowner, to harvest his crop early by proving to him that Vivenna is an Idrian princess with her royal color-changing hair. They leave to meet with Grable, a crime lord who attempts to kidnap her. Denth kills two of Grable’s guards almost inhumanly fast and they leave. In an alleyway, a random Idrian, Thame, approaches Vivenna, asking her if she has come to help the oppressed Idrians in Hallandren. She tells him yes, but the mercenaries whisk him away because they think he is a plant from Grable. Later, they meet in a safe location, and they determine after some knuckle-cracking and tough talk on the mercenaries’ part, some kind words on Vivenna’s part, and some investigations on Jewels’ part that he is what he says he is. This gives Vivenna the idea of meeting with the common Idrians in the city. The mercenaries say it is dangerous, but she insists.
==Chapter 23==
Lightsong approaches Blushweaver, who is being entertained by portable garden arrangements. Through a letter she hands him, he informs her that he is ready to join her political scheming. Blushweaver tells Lightsong that Mercystar’s palace had been broken into the night before and the two go to meet with her.
Mercystar, in a state of flaky distraughtness, is comforted by Blushweaver, who is trying to worm Mercystar’s Lifeless army commands out of her. When Lightsong hears that a servant was killed in addition to those knocked unconscious in the break-in, he becomes intensely curious about solving the mystery. He abandons Blushweaver to go interrogate the servants. He notes a patch of grey wall and determines that if the intruder was not an Idrian as Mercystar said. Although according to oath, they cannot lie to a god, Lightsong senses that the servants are lying about the details they are giving him, which makes him even more curious about the case.
==Chapter 24==
Siri walks into the palace library to get a history book to enlighten herself on the God King’s succession history. The scribes tell her that she may not take any books out of the room, foiling her plan. Later that night, Siri and the Susebron talk, communicating through writing . Siri teaches him of sarcasm, and he uses it jokingly. Susebron asks of an heir, and Siri realizes he knows nothing of the process of making one. They then discuss whether or not the God King continues living after an heir is produced, because the histories are all unknown to Siri or jumbled, and she is worried about Bluefingers’ cryptic warnings.
