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== Prologue ==
Seven-year-old [[Spensa]], isage surprisedseven, but happyreflects whenupon how her father,mother aclaimed pilot,that finally"Only letsfools her follow himgo to the surface" afterdue constantto begging.debris Asfalls and krell attacks as she climbs, she imaginesto the featuressurface inwith her surroundings[[Zeen asNightshade|father]], crusheda enemiespilot. HerShe fatherattempts helpsto herclimb throughto the final partssurface of the climb,planet makingbut useslips ofand is caught by her father. Using a light-line, andshe Spensaclimbs beholdsto the skysurface forof the[[Detritus]] firstand time,marvels findingat itthe beautifulsky. SpensaHer listensfather toexplains herthat fatherKrell talklive aboutabove theirthe debris field surrounding the Krellplanet, onattacking howthe theypeople comeon fromthe beyondplanet theanytime debristheir fieldpopulation andgrows cometoo downlarge. toAs attack,Spensa andrecalls how theyher candescendants, sensea largepart of a congregationsfleet of peoplespace vessels, makingwere itchased hardby tothe rebuildKrell civilization.onto He tellsDetritus, her thatfather theypoints haveout tothe keeplocation of [[Alta Base]]. andSpensa Igneousproclaims Cavernher hidden,dream sinceof Igneousbecoming manufacturesa starshipspilot andso Altathat defendseveryone itwill love her. SuddenlyImmediately afterwards, Spensa'sher father spotspoints out that the stars are visible because of a hole in the layer of debris, expressingad awe.remarks Hethat tellshe heralways towondered keepif reachinghe upwardscould andget "claimout to the stars". JustAfter then,the hishole fellowcloses, pilotsSpensa contactnotices himdebris onbegin histo radiofall, announcingand thatafter theradioing Krellbase havelearn locatedthat Igneousa andvery arelarge cominggroup toof destroy[[Krell]] are itinvading. TheyAfter decidecalming tosome fightdissenters, and Spensa's father tellsand herhis toflight immediatelydecide headto backfight whilethe promisingKrell hishead comradeson thatand he ismakes coming.Spensa Hepromise givesto Spensahead back, tossing her his pilot's pin before leaving. Spensa lingerswaits foruntil ashe while,sees watchingstarfighters thestreak starfightersinto leavethe Altasky beforeand leaving.then Sheruns getsback lostto inher theclan, cavernshoping forto ahear while,the andbroadcast byof the timefight. As she findswas herattempting wayto get back home, imagining the fightingbattle, isher overfather broke ranks and Spensafled learnsfrom the enemy, and was shot down by his flight in retribution. When she got back home, she learned that the battle was won, her father was adead, cowardand inthat she was now known as the battledaughter of a coward.
== Part One ==
=== Chapter 1 ===
=== Chapter 2 ===
Mrs. Vmeer, Spensa's Work Studies instructor, introduces Citizen Alfir, a man from Sanitation Corps, asking him to discuss his job. Spensa's classmate Dia taunts her, telling Spensa that cleaning waste would be a perfect job for the daughter of a coward, and Spensa has to restrain herself due to Dia being Mrs. Vmeer's daughter and already having gotten into trouble for fighting before. Alfir continues speaking, saying that even though his job doesn't seem significant, it is still vital to keep their society running. Spensa notes that several of the other speakers have said the same things about their roles, and finds those attitudes not passionate enough for Defiants. Citizen Alfir finishes his presentation, and the students stand up for a break. Spensa avoids to Dia to try to stay out of trouble, and instead approaches her friend [[Rodge Mccafrey|Rodge]. They discuss their wishes to become pilots, and review some material they need for the pilot test. Just then, Mrs. Vmeer approaches Spensa with Alfir, who tells Spensa that they need people like her in Sanitation, offering her a guaranteed spot there. Spensa turns him down, and Dia tells her that the authorities will definitely prevent her from passing the pilot's test, even though everyone is allowed to take it. Spensa notes that Dia doesn't seem to care if she believes her, unlike her usual taunts. She goes to confront Mrs. Vmeer on the topic. Mrs. Vmeer tries dance around on it, claiming that Spensa's father being a coward makes it a delicate situation, but is eventually forced to partly admit that she won't be allowed to get in, though she doesn't say that the admiral specifically ordered her to be kept out. Mrs. Vmeer then tries to coax her into taking another job. Enraged and humiliated at being lied to about being able to get in, Spensa storms out of the room.
=== Chapter 3 ===
== Part Two ==
=== Chapter 7 ===
Elevator doors open, giving Spensa a view of Alta Base. She stays in the elevator as everyone else leaves and is approached by [[Kimmalyn]]. She's confused by Kimmalyn's friendliness as the majority of people in her life treated her like a pariah, but heads towards the base with her, gaping together at a fountain. While walking towards the base, they learn that they are both part of the same flight. They discuss possible callsigns, and Kimmalyn tells Spensa she came from [[Bountiful cavern]]. They walk through an orchard and Spensa marvels at the size of the trees. Together they walk towards [[Flight School]], a building near the launchpads. Kimmalyn leaves to talk to a friend, and Spensa tells herself she'll have to get used to the sky and how much more open space there is above the planet. When Kimmalyn returns they find their classroom and open the doors.
Spensa stands in an elevator as the door opens to Alta Base, a bit hesitant as people around her start walking out. A girl behind her expresses similar sentiments, wondering if this is real, before telling her that they can handle it. As they leave the elevator, Spensa is surprised that the girl isn't shunning her like all the other people she's known. The girl introduces herself as [[Kimmalyn]] and they realize they are in the same class. Spensa wonders if Kimmalyn's friendly, laid-back demeanor will work for her as a Defiant, while Kimmalyn thinks Spensa's aggressive attitude is a bit too much. They pass a checkpoint and enter their classroom building. Spensa feels nervous at how open her surroundings are, but pushes it back and prepares to learn how to become a pilot.
=== Chapter 8 ===
In the room sits ten mock cockpits, arranged in a circle facing inward. Spensa and Kimmalyn enter the class, realizing they are the first to arrive. Spensa walks around the cockpits, noticing they resemble the layout of a [[Poco]]. Two cadets enter, an athletic girl ([[Hudiya]]) and a [[Yeongian]] with blue hair ([[Bim]]). They are then followed by a Vician ([[Freyja]]). Kimmalyn introduces herself and learns the names of the cadets. Three more boys enter, and Spensa recognizes one as the son of a [[First Citizens|First Citizen]] she saw at the exam ([[Jorgen]]). Jorgen attempts to order the cadets to stand in formation, with is met with derision by the other cadets. When Jorgen insults Kimmalyn, Spensa calls him "Jerkface." Jorgen recognizes Spensa, and they soon begin to insult one another. Spensa then realizes that none of the cadets knew her as the daughter of a coward. As Spensa and Jorgen are insulting one another, [[Mongrel]], their instructor, walks in and tells them to refer to him as Cobb. He then proceeds to name Jorgen flight leader, which upsets Spensa. He then takes Spensa into the hall and informs her that she needs to control herself so that she can remain a cadet, explaining that he chose Jorgen as flight leader because of his flight experience. Spensa apologizes and heads back into the room.
=== Chapter 8 ===
=== Chapter 9 ===
Spensa is distraught when faced with the possibility that she won't get to fly. Cobb informs the cadets that the cockpits are simulations, and that they will need to pick a callsign sometime in the next few days. As he is saying this, Rig bursts into the room. Spensa is elated, and Rig explains to Cobb that he was late because the elevator was down. Cobb announces that Rig received a perfect score on the exam. Cobb begins to turn on the simulations as Spensa climbs into her cockpit. Spensa marvels at how realistic the simulation is, sticking her hand outside to make sure it isn't real. Cobb informs the cadets they will be practicing takeoffs, and Jorgen volunteers to teach them. Nearly half the cadets crash when attempting to take off for the first time. For the next three hours, the cadets practiced taking off and landing ships. Cobb informs Jorgen he needs to get a confirmation of readiness from each member of the flight, and Bim asks Cob what happens when a cadet ejects. Cobb grumbles about rumors spread that acclivity rings are worth more than the lives of the pilots. The cadets give verbal confirmation of their readiness, and declare their callsigns. When Jorgen learns that his desired callsign has been taken, Spensa says that the cadets can call him Jerkface. As the cadets begin to learn how to move forward, the attack warning began to go off. Admiral [[Judy Ivans|Ironsides]] told Cobb to send the cadet's flight, dubbed flight, into the air. Cobb sends the cadets to the launchpads.
=== Chapter 10 ===
Spensa wonders why the admiral is sending her flight into the air as Cobb shuts down the simulations. As they leave the training room, Spensa talks to Rig about how they can't believe they made it. The cadets then boarded into their ships. Spensa turned on her ship and lifter her Poco off of the ground, as did the rest of her flight. After taking roll call, they engaged their boosters and sped towards the battlefield. Cobb informs the cadets that they won't be fighting, and will soon be relieved by a reserve flight. Spensa, Jorgen, and [[Arturo]] discuss Krell attack strategies and the plausibility of the use of a [[lifebuster]]. As Spensa wonders why Cobb isn't flying, the cadets discuss a callsign for Bim, who hadn't yet chosen one. While watching the battle, a Krell ship suddenly began streaking towards the cadets. The cadets inform Cobb and he clears them to engage. Jorgen and [[Nedder]] break formation to chase it, and Spensa and Hurl follow. As they approached the ship, it turned around and began to head straight for them.
=== Chapter 11 ===
As the ship rounds towards her, Spensa realizes she isn't afraid despite her lack of experience. She attempts to maneuver her way behind the Krell but almost hits Hurl instead. The Krell ship attacks Jorgen as Spensa struggled to get in position, and Cobb warns him that the Krell attack the pilots who fly the best. As Jorgen continues to maneuver, the Krell ship sends some destructors towards the rest of the cadets, and a few hit Rig's ship. Jorgen asks Cobb when the reinforcements are coming, and he realizes that his shields are down. Spensa flew up towards Jorgen in the hopes of racing him, but she began to fall unconscious due to G forces. Just as the Krell was about to take out Jorgen, a long-range destructor shot by Kimmalyn beamed upwards and destroyed the Krell ship. The cadets assess headcount, and note that all are safe, but Rig is badly shaken and threw up in his ship. Cobb orders the cadets back to base, and the cadets land safely. Hurl and Kimmalyn celebrate while Jorgen admonishes Spensa and she restrains herself from fighting back. Cobb both disparages and compliments the flight on their performance and tells them to wash themselves and eat. The admiral compliments Skyward flight over the intercom, saying they "With possible exceptions, are a group to be admired," which Spensa believes to be directed at her. As Spensa reaches the bunks, she realizes that there is no place for her to sleep. When she goes back into the halls, Cobb tells her that the people who run flight school have decided not to allow Spensa to sleep or eat there. As she is leaving, she overhears Jorgen complaining about how the cadets don't respect him, and Cobb tells him to accept it. Annoyed, Jorgen walks to his hoverer and left. Spensa left the compound and headed to the elevators. Considering the long commute, she decides to look for a place to stay closer to the base. Leaving the elevators behind, she walks to the cavern with the crashed ship in item and bunks down there for the night.
=== Chapter 12 ===
Spensa wakes up in the ship's cockpit, notingof the timecrashed toship, beand 0430.is Sheimpressed noticesby anhow oddmuch blueroom andthe yellowcockpit [[Doomslug|slug-likehad. creature]]She nearbyis inchecking the cockpit.time Shewhen considersshe eatingnotices ita flat, butblobby, thenyellow decidescreature against([[Doomslug]]) thethat notion,reminds thinkingher thatof itsa brightchipmunk. colorsAfter mightdeciding indicatenot poison.to Spensaeat setsit, ashe snarelooks for rates,some thenrats startsto pokinghunt aroundand ateat. Looking over the ship, hopingSpensa torecalls fixher orvisions atof leastfixing properlythe examineship it.and Sherealizes findshow afarfetched largethose blackdreams boxare, whosegiven functionthe shedisheveled doesn'tinterior of recognizethe spacecraft. Spensa thendecides hooksto uplook herat light-line'sthe powerinterior matrix toof the ship, butand thensees realizessome parts that itshe isdoesn't toorecognize, weaksuch toas makea thesleek ship'sand functionsreflectivee runblack box. Looking back up at the ship's wiring, she sees that thea slug has now gotten intoin the ship's open innardswiring, makinga Spensawonders wonder howif it gotis therethe sosame fast,one sinceas shebefore. doesn'tWhen seeshe anycrawls otherout, similarshe slugsnotices around.that Theher snare catcheshad caught a rat, andwhich Spensashe skins, guts, and cooks itguts. SheWhile wonders ifeating, she isconceives reallya goingplan to liveuse inthe alavatory caveat andthe scavengebase forto hercleanse food,herself butand decideseat thatrats sinceand Ironsidesmushrooms expectsfor her to commute back home each nightfood, Spensaso isthat goingshe towon't be defiant and tryhave to retain some control over her lifecommute.
=== Chapter 13 ===
Early in the morning, Spensa heads to the lavatory,up to whichflight sheschool isand allowedcleanses access,herself toin washthe her clotheslavatory. Afterwards,When she headsgets back to classthe classroom, andshe realizesnotices that Rig's seat is late again. Cobbempty, comesand inwonders andwhy noticeshe's thelate. emptyA seatfew moments later, thenRig understandinglyappears nodsin atthe Rigdoorway, whena hepack over finallyhis arrivesshoulder. When Rig turns to leave, and Cobb notescomments that there isone always aleaves, cadetand whoSpensa decideschases thatafter theyhim. aren'tHe pilotinforms materialher afterthat theirit firstwas fight.never Spensahis chasesdream afterto him,become askinga onpilot, whyand he iswas leavingonly andalong givingfor upthe ride. After Rig tellswalks heraway, thatCobb hetells realizesSpensa thatshe hehas wasn'tto fitcome forback battleto class, and thatwhen hethey shouldarrive probablyhe findtells anotherthe morecadets suitablethey'll job.continue Cobbto calls her back intopractice the classroom,fundamentals thenof starts having the cadets practice flying in unisonflight. They spend the morning practicing turning,how withto Bimturn constantlyin askingunison, aboutdespite weapons. Hurl flies into FMBim's ship,persistence causingin bothasking toabout crashweaponry. Cobb tellsstresses the cadetsfact tothat ejectwhen ifyou they getgo into an uncontrolled spins like what happened earlier. As they practice landing their shipsdescent, Cobb emphasizes ejecting in the casepilot ofshould analways emergencyeject, thoughand Spensa doesn't take itthinks to heart becauseherself she feelscan thatonly shethink willabout getejecting kicked out of flight school ifafter she ejects as a cadet, and can worry about it after becomingbecomes a full pilot. AsSpensa everyonewalks else goes toaround the mess hall for lunchbase, Cobb talks with Spensa and learns thatas she didnisn't take the elevator homepermitted to Igneous last night because she liveseat in the cavemess nearby and that she forgot to bring lunch for the dayhall. Spensa takesAfter a walk in the orchard outside the DDF basetime, looking up at the debris field above and wondering about the people that came before. As she heads back to class,the Spensa notices some small vehicle hangars, one of which has Jorgen's blue hovercar in it. Heading in, Spensa sees Morningtide eating lunch aloneclassroom and triestalks to talk[[Morningtide]], but theis otherannoyed girlwhen she doesn't respond much. TheWhen otherthe cadetsrest comeof inthe students return, and Kimmalyn givesbrings Spensa asome rollfood, toand makeCobb uptells forthe herstudents missingthey'll lunch.be Cobblearning asksto turn the cadetsother aboutdirection. theirHe feelingsthen beforeasks practicingeach morestudent turns.their Amongfeelings otherabout things,the Morningtide'sinstruction response revealsso that shehe can't speakfill Englishout verya well,required andform. FM is uncomfortable withAfterwards, the DDF'scadets militaryresume cultureinstruction.
=== Chapter 14 ===
A week later, Cobb lectures the cadets onabout handlinghow g-forcesthey andare GravCaps.the Helimiting finishesfactor andof orderstheir themship. toHe startthen practicingproceeds withto destructors.inform Nearlythe everyonecadets aimsabout poorlygravcaps, anddevices failsthat tonegate hitthe anyeffects simulatedof KrellG ships,forces butand Kimmalynthe managesthree totypes easilyof shootweapons, downa severalprospect ofthat them.excites Bim. asks toThey practicebegin dogfightingwith destructor practice, andbut Cobbonly makesKimmalyn theis Krellable shipsto startfire attackingwith themaccuracy. SpensaWhen andthe JorgenKrell lastin the longest,simulation withbegin Jorgento takingfight 17back, secondsthe longercadets tosuffer goa down.terrible Afterloss everyonedue getsto shottheir down,lack Cobbof explainsexperience that sinceand the Krellhigher havequality superiorof ships,the DDFKrell pilotsshields areand atweaponry. aAfter disadvantagethe indestructor usingpractice, destructorsCobb alone.tells HeArturo thento touchesdemonstrate onhow theto use [[Inverted Magellan Pulse,| or IMPIMPs]], whichand takesCobb downexplains allthat shieldsthey inare aused veryto smallnegate areashields. CobbHe then discussesexplains the thirdbest andway lastto weaponfight usedthe byKrell DDFis in pilotspairs, thewith light-lance,one andwingmate pointsusing outthe thatIMP light-lancesto aregive similarthe toother light-linesa clear shot, likeas the oneKrell Spensafly hasindividually. HeAfter saysthe thatIMP thelesson light-lanceconcludes, willCobb betells theirSpensa bestto weapon,show sinceoff the Krelluse oftenof attack[[Light-lances]], duringan debrisenergy falls,lasso andthat aconnects skilledyour pilotship canto outmaneuverwhatever theyou Krell,spear whoseit shipswith. don'tCobb haveexpresses his feelings that the light-lances. Cobbare tellsthe most important of the cadetsweaponry, and that theythe cadets will be spending the next month traininglearning withto theuse light-lancethem. Spensa is quite enthusiastic about this.
=== Chapter 15 ===
Spensa tries to fix the crashed ship with materials she scavenged. [[Doomslug]] the Destroyer, the slug she has dubbed her mascot, repeats whatever she says to it. The materials she gathered aren't sufficient to power the ship, and she leaves to go to class. In the simulations, Spensa has gotten better at dodging debris, but is still not especially proficient with light-lances. She finally spears a peace of debris, but crashes as a result. The cadets continue to practice with light-lances, and Spensa explains some terms to Morningtide, who doesn't speak english fluently. Before booting the simulation back up, Spensa feels the inside of her helmet, which had been chafing her. Cobb explains that the medical wing insisted that her helmet have sensors that monitored her bioreadings, and that hers was the only helmet to have such features. After Bim complains that the other flights have been practicing dogfighting, Cobb starts a game involving flying through golden rings. When Spensa realizes that Jorgen, who waited until the other cadets finished, would easily defeat her, she speeds her ship into his, freezing his score below hers and winning the game. This annoys Jorgen and frustrates Cobb, but Spensa merely grins. During the five-minute break, Bim flirts with a confused Spensa, who flirts back once she realizes. Jorgen, still angered over Spensa's actions during the game, reveals that she is the daughter of [[Zeen Nightshade| Chaser]]. This makes Spensa feel sick with anger and embarrassment through the set of drills, as she had liked being able to make her own way in life. Hours later, Spensa walks past the mess hall and sees her flight eating, and as she walks out she spots Jorgen's hovercar. She then slips into the hanger and steals his power matrix so that she can power the crashed ship.
Spensa plugs a power matrix from an old water heater into the ship, talking to Doomslug as she does so. She realizes that it is not powerful enough to make the ship run. Spensa leaves the cave to head to class. In class, the cadets practice hitting floating pieces of debris using their light-lances in a simulator. Spensa manages to hit a chunk, but crashes her ship in the process. Cobb stands nearby, watching the cadets' actions on the simulator. He tells Morningtide, who is timidly hovering at the edge of the simulated debris fields, to participate more, like the other cadets. Spensa helps explain Cobb's orders to Morningtide, before getting back in herself. As she puts on her helmet, Spensa notices strange bumps in it. She asks Cobb about it, and he informs her that Medical ordered it swapped to monitor her bioreadings, but only for Spensa herself and none of her flightmates. Spensa is uncomfortable with this revelation, but gets back into the simulation anyway. Cobb gets into a discussion with Bim, in which Bim asks why they are practicing with light-lances instead of dogfighting. Cobb then puts up a projection of five golden rings, and sets up a contest in which the cadet that flies through the most rings in three runs will get an extra dessert, and adds that a cadet's score is stuck at whatever they achieved beforehand with no tries afterwards if they crash. The reward is useless to Spensa, since she doesn't eat with the others. Jorgen hangs back and observes Eventually, it comes down to Spensa, who has finished her third run with ten points, realizing that Jorgen, currently with eight points, will win if he completes the third run he is starting. She tries to stop it by crashing her ship straight into Jorgen's mid-run, ending it before he can claim enough points to beat her. Jorgen is furious, to Spensa's satisfaction. Cobb orders a break. Kimmalyn congratulates her on winning the game. Bim starts talking to Spensa about her interest in ancient heroes, and she realizes he is awkwardly trying to flirt with her. She tries to flirt back when Jorgen reveals to everyone that Spensa is Chaser's daughter. They have a confrontation on it, before Cobb orders everyone to get back to their exercises. At the end of the day, an angry Spensa steals the power matrix from Jorgen's hovercar.
=== Chapter 16 ===
Spensa wakes up in the cockpitcrashed ship, groggy and sore. When she looks around, she sees the power matrix from Jorgen's car she stole lastfrom night.Jorgen Sheand panicsrecognizes thinkingthe thatholes shein mighther beplan caughtfrom andlast getnight. kickedShe outwalks ofto flightAlta, schoolexpecting fornot theto be allowed actin, but nobodymakes seemsher way to catchthe onclassroom. andWhen she goesclass through the daybegins as normal.usual, Spensashe noticeswonders thatif nearlyJorgen everyoneisn't seemsgoing to beturn dancingher aroundin. herKimmalyn asks if being the daughter of aChaser coward,is otherwhy thanSpensa Kimmalyn,is whoalways simplyso notes"bellicose". thatWhen thisthe mightday be what causes Spensa's attitudeends and comfortsshe her.still Athadn't thebeen end of theturned dayin, Spensa headsfeels backmuch better. She returns to the crashed ship and installsplugs in the power matrix. TheImmediately the ship's systemsbegins startplaying upaudio and Spensa wonders if it greetsis a recording. When the voice grows less robotic and begins to ask Spensa questions, whoshe realizes that itthe canship talkis talking to her.
=== Chapter 17 ===
The ship, which introducesidentifies itself as MB-1021, or "[[M-Bot]]", acontinues long-distanceto stealthtalk shipto Spensa, and reveals that most of its datamemory banks arehave been corrupted, so it doesn't remember much of its past. The only record M-Botit haspossesses is theit's lastmost orderrecent from his old pilot Commander [[Spears]], which isorders: "Lie low, M-Bot. Take stock, don't get into any fights, and wait for me here." M-BotThe ship reveals that heit doesn'thas recognizebeen the172 termyears forsince theit Krell.deactivated, M-Botlonger determinesthan fromthe some[[Defiant]] isotopescrashed thatonto itDetritus. hasGiven beenthe 172long yearstime, sinceit concludes that it's crashedprevious pilot, to[[Spears| theCommander 80Spears]], yearshas sinceperished. theWhen ''Defiant''it crashreveals thatit Spensais knowssaddened about.by M-Botthis thenfact, discussesSpensa itsis routinesshocked forby emotionthe andfact theit singlecan intactfeel memoryemotions. bankIt italso hasreveals otherthat thanit forretained basican functions, aopen database forof catalogingfungoid fungallife organisms.forms Spensaon isthe confusedplanet, by M-Bot'sand desiredesires to categorizefill mushroomsit in. SheIt startsbelieves wonderingthis ifto M-Bot holdsbe the answerslogical tointerpretation questionsof aboutit's theirpilots historylast orders, despiteand thedoes damagednot memorybelieve banks.Spensa M-Botwhen notesshe thatgives manythe ofopinion thethat shiphe systems,is sucha aswarship. theSpensa weaponswonders systemif andthe cytonicanswer hyperdrive,to areany offline,questions thoughher asociety few,has likeabout the communicationsKrell system,might stillbe work.stored Spensawithin realizesM-Bot's thatmemory shebanks. can't fix theThe ship onassesses herits owncapabilities, and decidesnotes toextensive get helpdamage. SomeSpensa timewonders later,how inshe thecould middlepossibly offix the nightit, Spensaand managesdecides to reachrequest Rig's apartment,aid. andShe wakesheads himdown to showRig's himapartment theand ship.tells Hehim isto acome bitwith uncomfortableher butdespite followsthe alonglate anywayhour. AsRig theyagrees enterto thefollow tunnelsher, Rigtaking tellsa Spensaminute thatto ever since he droppedsneak out, ofand pilottalks school,with he'sSpensa hadabout tohow decidehis betweenlife ahas dozenchanged jobon offersthe inway twoto months'the timecavern. HeWhen expressesthey worryreach atthe notcavern, findingSpensa somethingilluminates thatthe suitsship him.with Theyher eventually reach Mlight-Bot's chamberline, and Rig isgapes awedin byawe. the sight.
=== Chapter 18 ===
Spensa helpsspends a few hours helping Rig checklook over M-Bot, butand startsattempts dozingto offsleep laterwith onlittle success. SheRight wakespointlessly upasks aroundquestions sixto inM-Bot theconcerning morning,it's and starts talking withorigins. Rig onproposes whetherthat they shouldshow turnthe M-Bot inship to the [[DDF.]], M-Botand expressesSpensa irritationmandates atthat beingshe'd talkedrather aboutfix asit thoughon he is nother presentown, and saysso that whileshe hecan iskeep ait logic-drivenand machine,fly heit hasif simulatedthe emotions.admiral Rigdenies leansher towards revealing thea ship,. whileShe Spensafinally advocates keeping it hidden for now and trying to fix it themselves.convinces Rig is convinced to help repairfix M-Bot, thenand remembersh gettingreveals athat jobhe is fielding an offer from the Engineering Corps, which supervisewould starshipgive repairhim and design. He says that he might be ableaccess to get the knowledgerequired ofmaterials. howRig agrees to repair the ship fromtake an engineering internship, thoughwith Spensathem, willand havededicating tothe scavengerest forof sparethe partsday to use.fixing M-Bot. spotsSpensa Doomslug,makes andto commentshead onoff herto beingschool, anbut interestingM-lookingBot fungus.asks Rigto is creeped out, but Spensa tells himtalk to leaveher Doomslugin aloneprivate. M-Bot tells Spensasays that heSpensa hascannot losttell histhe masterDDF andabout original purposehim, asnor wellanyone aselse. the fact since his last set of orders were to lie low,As Spensa cannot be allowedattempts to reveal the ship to the DDF. Spensa contemplates this issueargue, but is interrupted by M-Bot's sensorsdetects reporting a force of 43attacking Krell ships approaching. She realizes that Skyward Flight, havingand gotten enough training experience to start participating in battles in Ironsides's view, might be asked to fight, andSpensa decides to head back to Alta base.
=== Chapter 19 ===
Spensa anxiously begins running to Alta Base. She enters the base and dashes to her ship, where the ground crew helps her into her ship and informs her that the rest of her flight went into the air nearly half and hour ago. She rises into the air, and speeds towards the battlefield as fast as safely possible, listening to her flight fight. When she nears the battle, she decelerated quickly by spinning around, Jorgen orders Spensa to help Morningtide, who is being trailed by Krell. Spensa head towards her, but sees that Morningtide was being followed by three, and is taken out before Spensa has time to do anything about it. Spensa starts to cry, by Jorgen tells her to grieve later and to get into defensive position. As Spensa tries to cover Bim, she herself picks up a tail, which she loses with by looping around debris. As Cobb is congratulating her, Bim spots a [[lifebuster]], and tells Cobb he can take it down, despite orders to leave it alone. Bim asks Spensa to help him take out the life buster, and she willingly agrees. As they approach the larger than usual bomber, four smaller Krell escort ships peel off of it. Cobb orders the two to fall back, but Bim instead charges up a long-range destructor. As he does so, the four guardian ships fire at him and his ship explodes. Spensa's ship began to spin and she nearly blacked out, but recovered. Soon afterwards, the Krell begin to fall back, and Jorgen asks the motionless Spensa if she is doing alright, then gets vocal confirmation of status from the rest of the cadets.
Spensa runs for Alta Base, thinking Ironsides made it Skyward Flight's turn this time to participate in the battle. She returns to a single ship on a launchpad, meaning that she is late and everyone else in her flight has already taken off. In a hurry, Spensa skips putting on her pressure suit, and contacts Jorgen before taking off. Eventually, she reaches the site of the battle, and Jorgen tells her to help Morningtide, who has picked up a tail. Morningtide tries to dodge and throw them off, but the three Krell ships trailing her manage to shoot her down. Spensa tries to help by hitting one of the Krell ships with her light-lance for another pilot to shoot down, but Morningtide is already gone. Spensa flies back to Jorgen, containing her grief. The two use their light-lines to send a Krell ship into debris before Cobb tells them to remain in defensive positions. They then notices Kimmalyn, who has frozen up with Morningtide's death and doesn't have a wingmate. Jorgen goes to cover her, telling Spensa to go help Bim. Spensa gets a tail, which she gets rid of by making a good maneuver, feeling as though she is part of the ship. Cobb congratulates her, then tells her to get to Bim, who he says is too overeager. Just then, a Krell bomber with a lifebuster bomb is spotted. Cobb tells the cadets to stay back and let the full pilots handle the situation. Bim insists he can hit the bomber, and Cobb tries to check for orders instead of immediately rejecting the idea, which makes Bim think that he has permission to engage, and asks Spensa to follow him. Cobb warns them that the bomb looks bigger than usual, but Bim is already flying over. Four escort ships peel away from the bomber, and their destructor blasts overwhelm Bim's ship's shields, shooting him down. A chunk of the wreckage hits Spensa's ship and it starts blaring warnings, but she manages to stabilize herself. The Krell ships disengage, and Ironsides decides not to pursue, since there are too many of them. Jorgen orders everyone to confirm their status, and everyone other than Morningtide and Bim responds, before they fall into formation. Skyward Flight returns to base, short two members.
== Part Three ==
=== Interlude I-1 ===
Judy "[[Ironsides]]" sitsIvans, atadmiral herof Alta deskbase, readingreads the casualty reports, andas writingshe consolationalways letterstries to thedo familiesafter of killeda pilotsbattle. SheAfter feelsshe guiltyreads about therethe beingtwo socadets manywho'd lost.died Cobbin comesthe inbattle, letsBim herand finish her letterMorningtide, thenshe confrontsbegins herto abouttype sendingletters outto improperlytheir trainedfamilies. orHalfway underagethrough, pilotsCobb andcomes gettingto themvisit killed.her, Ironsidesbut replieswaits thatuntil itshe's hasfinished to bestart donetalking. forCobb thethen sakeberates ofthe protectingadmiral Alta.for Shelowering thenthe pointsage outof thattesting Spensaand arrivedsending lateinexperienced torecruits the recentinto battle, and Cobbthe retortsAdmiral thatresponds herby restrictionssaying havethat forcedit's Spensaall toworth liveit into aprotect nearbyAlta. cave instead ofWhen the barracks.admiral Ironsidespoints then commentsout that Spensa's helmetwas readingslate haveto confirmedthe thatbattle, sheCobb hasretorts aby "defect",mentioning andthe needsadmiral tomakes beher drivenlive outoutside ofcity limits. Afterwards, the DDF.admiral Cobbtells saysCobb that hethe willbioreadings givethey Spensatook aof personal radioSpensa soindicate that theyshe canhas be"the indefect," contact.although AsCobb hedenies turnsthe torelevance leave,of the twotopic. museAs onCobb othersleaves, whohe have died inscolds the pastadmiral's behavior, and whatthe theyAdmiral wouldadmits dothat in Ironsidesshe's positontrying to make Spensa quit.
=== Chapter 20 ===
Spensa arrives late to class, noting the sense of wrongness she feels because of the death of Bim and Morningtide. After she walks over to Morningtide's model cockpit, she asks Freyja where the absent Kimmalyn is. Jorgen then stands up and reads some words from the DDF handbook regarding how Bim and Morningtide were models of bravery, which Spensa believes to be senseless. After Jorgen sits down, Cobb walks in and immediately tells the cadets to begin training. Spensa asks why he's ignoring the events of the previous day's battle, and they glare at each other until Kimmalyn enters. Spensa notices that Cobb thought she'd given up, and admires Kimmalyn's strength. Spensa gives a speech, beginning with the phrase "claim the stars." When she finishes, she notes that the sensors in her helmet are warm, and Cobb tells her that the medical staff believes they can determine if she will be a coward based on the readings they received.
Spensa arrives five minutes late to class the next day, still shocked at Bim and Morningtide's deaths. She notices that while everyone else is present, Cobb and Kimmalyn have yet to arrive. Nedd asks her to say a few lines on being brave and defiant, but Spensa tells him that they feel like empty platitudes. FM gives her a squeeze on the shoulder, and Spensa thinks about how little she knows about her flightmate. Jorgen gets up and recites an awkward speech on their flightmates' deaths, reading notes off his hand. Cobb comes in and orders them to practice tandem maneuvering without being up the deaths, causing Spensa to snap at him. Kimmalyn finally arrives, puffy-eyed, and climbs into her seat. Instead of turning on the projector as usual, Cobb makes a comment on feeling less like a teacher and more like a munitions loader sending cadets off to die, something he believes his old teacher Mara would've said, looking unusually vulnerable. Spensa then talks about how her father told her to claim the stars, and that she will fight defiantly until she joins Bim and Morningtide in the stars. The other cadets are stunned into silence. After a few moments, Cobb tells them to start practicing. Spensa puts on her helmet and notes that the diodes are warm, which Cobb explains as medics still trying to get a reading on whether she'll be like her father.
=== Chapter 21 ===
As the diodes in Spensa's helmet cool, Cool runs the cadets through maneuvers without pause for hours to take their minds off of what occurred the day before. Afterwards, the cadets engage in friendly banter, although Hurl ignores Spensa, they way she has since Jorgen revealed Spensa's identity. Talking with FM, Spensa learns that the girl is a [[Disputer]], a person who objects to the way the government conduct society. As she walks out, she sees that Cobb is rewatching footage from the battle the day before. When Cobb notices, he compliments her flying, and gives her a personal radio so that he will be able to contact her in the event of Krell incursions. Afterwards, Spensa asks him why he doesn't fly, and he discloses that he finds it difficult to do so since having shot down her father. After insisting that her father wasn't a coward, Spensa asks what happened at the [[Battle of Alta]] in actuality. Not meeting her eyes, Cobb tells her the information written in the official report, but when she presses further, he refuses to confirm its veracity. Cobb then sends Spensa away when she asks further questions, but she leaves knowing that she'd been right about her father.
Cobb pushes the cadets hard in their training. As they go on break, the cadets start bantering with each other. When Spensa tries to join in, Hurl gives her a strange look. As Spensa prepares to return to her cavern, she realizes that FM is still in the room. FM thanks her for her earlier comments on Morningtide and Bim being in the stars, accompanying Spensa as the two leave the classroom. She tells Spensa that though a lot of her other comments, influenced by her society and circumstances, are overly jingoistic, that speech was heartfelt. Spensa is confused and asks her if she is a Defiant, and FM replies that she self-identifies as a Disputer, someone who protests the Defiants' war culture. Spensa questions if she is a coward then, causing FM to point out to her the irony in she of all people throwing around that term. FM says that while she is still willing to fight and defend their people against the Krell, she is unhappy with the way fighting is overglorified in Defiant culture, feeling that peaceful and nurturing tendencies are being stamped out or neglected. Spensa feels that she is only saying that due to having an easier life in one of the deeper caverns, but thinks it is nice to get to know her and her thoughts better. Afraid of getting into trouble with the MPs if she gets too close to the mess hall, Spensa heads back to the classroom. She sees that Cobb is watching a hologram of yesterday's battle, and watching it brings back feelings of anticipation and a little fear. As he goes over the part where Morningtide dies, Spensa admits that she nearly blacked out when pulling off the dive in her maneuver to get rid of the Krell tailing her. Cobb tells Spensa that the way she flies reminds him of her father, in the way that she feels things. He then comments on the guardian ships accompanying the Krell being the first new tactical change in over a decade, and that they've been able to survive by anticipating the enemy's moves. Cobb gives Spensa a personal radio, saying that she needs it to stay in touch since she lives off-base. Spensa asks why Cobb himself doesn't fly anymore, and he replies that it is because of his old wounds. She is confused since a healthy leg is not needed to pilot a plane, and Cobb says it's the metaphorical wound of shooting down a comrade. Spensa realizes that Cobb was the one who shot down her father, and asks about what happened. Cobb says that the Krell were coming in overwhelming numbers, that Spensa's father panicked and started shouting about how they couldn't hope to survive after they fended off the first attack, and that after Chaser broke ranks and fled, he shot him down on his flightleader's orders. Spensa asks if this was really the way it happened, and can tell from the way he stays silent that his account, the official story, is not true. Spensa tries to inquire further, but Cobb shuts her down and tells her to go away. As she leaves, part of Spensa is upset over her flightmates' death and this new revelation, but she is satisfied over being right on her father not being a coward.
=== Chapter 22 ===
Spensa lies underneath M-Bot, redoing the wiring and talking with Rig about the DDF's cover-up. Rig shows Spensa that M-Bot was constructed with components created with more precision, and that it should function better than any ships flown by the DDF. When Spensa inquires as to where Rig acquired the materials, he informs her that some schematics he drew of M-Bot were seen by his superiors at the Engineering Corps, and he is now given great leeway. M-Bot finishes conducting his diagnostic, while Rig and Spensa continue to discuss possible reason's for the slandering of her father. Soon, Rig tells Spensa that he should be able to get M-Bot in working condition as long as Spensa is able to acquire a new booster. Afterwards, Spensa uses M-Bot's cleansing unit to wash herself. Afterwards, M-Bot asks how he can trust her if she is willing to lie, and she responds that all beings have to live with that risk.
=== Chapter 23 ===
Cobb announces that the cadets have reached an acceptable level of skill with their maneuvers and light-lances, and declares they'll now be working with IMPs. After trying to talk to Hurl to no avail, Cobb asks her to explain the function of an IMP. Afterwards, the cadets practice getting near enough Krell ships to take out their shields without catching their wing mate in the pulse radius, and Spensa talked with Nedd about his life and the personal lives of the other cadets. She talks to Kimmalyn when M-Bots voice emits from her headset, and M-Bot tells her that he is able to easily access DDF communication lines, due to his nature as a stealth ship. Spensa's turn in the simulation comes up, and Cobb decides to make her run more difficult by adding another ship. She succeeds when she IMPs the target, but "dies" in the attempt. Cobb assigns more work and leaves for dinner. After the cadets finish the maneuvers, Spensa decides she needs a break and removes her helmet before lineup. Jorgen chastises her for disobeying orders, and insults her father. Spensa, furious, physically assaults Jorgen. Need convinces everyone to ignore the incident, but Spensa believes that Jorgen intends to exact revenge.
Cobb declares that he is satisfied with Skyward Flight's skill with light-lances, and tells them to move on to training with IMPs. Spensa tries to talk to Hurl over a private channel, but Hurl gives her a cold shoulder. Cobb tells Spensa to give an explanation on shields, then adds that IMPs only work in a tight filthy-meter radius and disables the pilot's own shields as well, but that they are needed to negate the Krell's advantage of better shields. Spensa starts practicing IMPing simulated Krell ships with Nedd, her partner for the day. Nedd complains about the exercises being boring, but Spensa enjoys it and feels closer to her father when flying, even if it is only in a simulation. After completing a particularly difficult run, Spensa talks to Nedd for a bit, pointing out that Nedd isn't as dumb as he presents himself to be. Kimmalyn and Hurl mess up a run, with Kimmalyn losing control and crashing. Nedd teases her over it, and when Spensa tries to stop him, he tells her that she needs to be teased a bit to help her deal with the anxiety over being the worse pilot in the class. They move on to talking about Hurl. M-Bot juts in, and Spensa asks him how he got into their lines. He replies that he is an stealth ship that has advanced communications technology, and got in through her personal radio. Kimmalyn messes up another run, and Spensa thinks about how they're wasting her potential while practicing fundamentals. Cobb tells Spensa that it's her turn, and as she starts flying, she sees that she has a tail even though the exercise is supposed to be one-on-one. Spensa manages to IMP her target, but takes damage in the process. Jorgen chastises her, saying that she'd be dead if it were a real battle, and she retorts that she accomplished her objective. Cobb sides with Jorgen, before telling them to do some monotonous gamma-M formation exercises and leaving. Spensa is frustrated during the entire exercise, refusing to talk to even M-Bot. After finishing, Spensa stews by herself and ignores Jorgen's orders for lineup. He starts arguing with her over her constantly disobeying his orders, eventually revealing that her father is Zeen Nightshade to the entire class when Spensa tries to leave. Incensed, Spensa attacks Jorgen, getting on top of him and preparing a punch. Nedd is impressed, and the other cadets are shocked. Spensa lets go, and Jorgen complains about her assaulting a superior officer. The two exchange a hard look before Spensa grabs her pack and leaves.
=== Chapter 24 ===
Spensa recalls other events when she'd lost control of her emotions and engaged in acts of physical violence. Eventually, she notes a faint buzzing emanating from her pack, which is revealed to be M-Bot patching into her radio, who asks about the Krell. Spensa futilely asks if M-Bot knows anything about human life before the Krell, and then heads to the Admiral's office to accept her punishment. She decides to wait to until the Admiral leaves her room to talk with her just before M-Bot plays the[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symphony_No._9_(Dvořák) New World Symphony]. The Admiral leaves, and Spensa attempts to confess but Jorgen, who was talking to the admiral, interrupts. When she tells him of her plan, he tells her he isn't going to turn her in because he wouldn't want to lose another pilot. At this point, Spensa confesses that she stole his power matrix, and he reveals he hadn't even suspected her. Jorgen finally leaves, and Spensa realizes she considers his actions somewhat noble.
=== Chapter 25 ===
Spensa straps herself into a real Poco with the rest of Skyward flight for the first time since the battle where Bim and Morningtide perished. Not knowing the reason, they head to specified coordinates and see several more flights in the air above them. As debris began to rain down from above, Cobb tells the cadets that they're present both to watch for Krell and to practice formations while tagging debris for salvage to investigate. Spensa begins working, and M-Bot taps into her headset soon afterwards. AFter Kimmalyn snipes three pieces of debris in quick succession, Spensa ask Cobb why they don't use her to snipe the Krell, and he responds that the Krell swarm any pilot who poses too serious a threat. When Cobb leaves the line, Spensa notes a Krell incursion, but he claims that the senior pilots will be able to handle it. The cadets continue to tag the debris, and Spensa asks M-Bot for information about the battle. After one of the pilots fighting the Krell enters a death spiral with ejecting, M-Bot finds the video feed for the battle. Suddenly, a ship with hundreds of acclivity rings decays out of orbit and sprawls across the sky, creating a massive shadow. The cadets increase their speed to move away, but are followed by a number of Krell. Spensa draws a Krell ship towards her, and after looping to generate some distance between the two, the ship is shot down from afar by Kimmalyn. The flight forms a defensive position, and M-Bot reports to Spensa that the Krell are attempting to prevent the humans from obtaining the starship. When two DDF fighters pass by, followed by a sizable group of Krell, Nedder breaks formation to chase the Krell. Spensa follows Nedd, and the two ships enter the falling starship, pursued by the Krell, Nedd, and Spensa.
=== Chapter 26 ===
Spensa flies through the falling ship, accelerating to catch up to Nedd. Using their comms, the two cadets form and begin a plan to IMP the group of Krell.. Soon, M-Bot announces that the ship they are flying through will hit the ground. Spensa light-lances an unwilling Nedd and pulls him back, and then follows M-Bots directions on how to escape. As they near the exit, the Krell detonate explosive charges, and Spensa learns from M-Bot that they won't escape the blast radius at their current speed. Both Spensa and Nedd accelerate as quickly as possible, narrowly escaping. Afterwards, Jorgen scolds Spensa, and she informs him that Nedd began the chase. Upon learning the name of the flight of the two pilots they chased, Jorgen tells Spensa that they were Nedd's brothers.
=== Chapter 27 ===
=== Chapter 28 ===
== Part Four ==
=== Interlude I-2 ===
Ironsides watches a holographic replay of the battle over the space shipyard. She thinks about old stories about generals in the past who boldly led from the front, and on how she is inadequate compared to those people. Ironsides notes that salvage crews reported that most of the acclivity rings are too damaged to use, and thinks to herself that her indecisiveness and unwillingness to commit were what led to them being unable to take the rings. She and her aide Rikolfr then move on to discussing Spensa's actions in the battle, noting that her helmet readings indicate the Writellum section of her brain being highly active around the Krell, and that it is proof she has a "defect". Rikolfr notes that while Dr. Halbeth is convinced, Dr. Thior, head of Alta Base's medical department, is not. Ironsides thinks about how the defect caused a mutiny on the ''Defiant'', the specifics of which a lot of merited families are trying to cover up due to being descendants of those who sided with the mutineers, but that she herself knows of the defect's dangers due to seeing them firsthand. Rikolfr reports that NAL member Algernon Weight, father of Jorgen, is supporting Dr. Thior's doubt, and helping propose questions on whether Spensa could just be used as a symbol of redemption instead of being driven out. Ironsides is irritated, and has orders sent to Drs. Halbeth and Iglom to refute Dr. Thior's claims. She is determined to make sure the defect doesn't cause any problems in the future.
=== Chapter 30 ===
=== Chapter 31 ===
=== Chapter 32 ===
=== Chapter 33 ===
Spensa wakes up in the infirmary, to which she had been sent to be checked over and ordered to stay in overnight. She forces herself out of bed and collects her belongings and goes to clean herself up. A nurse gives her a paper telling her that she and the rest of her flight were given a week of medical leave by Dr. Thior. Not knowing where to go, Spensa heads to her classroom, still stunned over Hurl's death. As the time for class draws closer, everyone else in the flight other than Jorgen also enter. Jorgen shows up ten minutes later, and unlike what Spensa expects, simply orders everyone to line up instead of dismissing them. He has a message sent to notify Cobb about everyone still going to class, and waits with the rest of the class. Quite a while later, Cobb comes in, and yells at them to sit down when they try to salute him. He goes into a loud rant about ejecting if their ship starts falling out of control, instead of listening to what the rest of the DDF says about always trying to save their ship. Spensa starts arguing with Cobb after he calls Hurl an idiot, and at one point calls him a coward. Cobb deflates and just says that Hurl's death was meaningless. He turns to leave, but stops when he sees Kimmalyn standing up and dropping her cadet's pin on her seat. He tells her to keep the pin and that she is dismissed. Spensa and Jorgen try to dissuade her from quitting, but Kimmalyn insists that she is the weakest member in the flight and is dragging everyone down, and says that she discussed it with Cobb. She expresses her guilt over being responsible for getting Hurl killed, and Spensa tries to comfort her. Kimmalyn leaves the room without her pin. Spensa turns to Jorgen and sees him standing with a pained look in his eyes. She gets information on how far Hurl crashed from Alta Base, and tells her classmates that she is going to give Hurl a proper funeral.
=== Chapter 34 ===
Spensa walks towards the crash site. M-Bot contacts her on her radio to ask if it is a good idea, but Spensa tells him to leave her alone. She has gone around two hours from Alta when a hovercar approaches and Jorgen stops to ask if she is really going to walk all the way there considering how dangerous it is outside. He offers to give her a ride, and she reluctantly accepts it since it will cut the trip down from hours into days. Jorgen tells Spensa that he wants to go with her to Hurl's funeral, and that he brought materials for a pyre. Jorgen tries to talk to her as they drive, but Spensa shuts him down and asks if he really cares. She then asks why he puts up with her, and Jorgen replies that even though she is insubordinate, she saved Nedd and helps save lives when she flies with the team. Spensa points out that Hurl and Kimmalyn are still gone from the flight, and Jorgen replies that it is his duty as flightleader to keep everyone together. Jorgen calls the AA-gun battery to keep them from being shot at as they pass, and they soon locate Hurl's wreck afterwards. They get out of the car and walk to the wreck, before heading to where the cockpit is. Spensa looks in and confirms to herself that Hurl really is dead. Examining the skid marks made by the crash, Spensa realizes that Hurl was nearly horizontal at the end, almost managing to safely land her ship. Jorgen takes a look in the cockpit, before turning away. Spensa sticks herself in and pulls Hurl's pin off her body. She thinks about the defiant expression on Hurl's face and wonders if it mattered whether someone was brave or cowardly in they died in the end, before chastising herself for being disrespectful. Jorgen gets the supplies out of the car and they set up a pyre around the cockpit, before Spensa ignites it. The two stand back and Jorgen recites part of an officer's elegy. The two stay and watch as the fire burns itself out. Jorgen tells Spensa that he isn't really defiant, since he is just going with what his family wants, and will be pulled out of the DDF after spending six months as a full pilot and gaining enough of a reputation in politics. He adds that he will miss flying, and that controlled joyrides won't be enough after he has experienced piloting a starfigher. Spensa comments that even though Jorgen's father isn't called a coward, he still is trapped in his shadow. As the fire dies down, Spensa comments that Hurl was more like her than she herself in some ways. The two start to go back to the car, when Spensa looks over the wreck again and sees how Hurl managed to keep some parts of the ship intact, the booster included. She thinks to herself for a moment before asking Jorgen for help moving the booster.
=== Chapter 35 ===
As they drive back, Jorgen tells Spensa that he is catching on to her intentions of building a starship. He says that if she found a crashed ship, she should turn it in to the DDF. Spensa replies that Ironsides has a grudge against her and won't let her fly, so she has to find her own way around things. Jorgen chastises her on the impracticality of her plan, and asks if Spensa is really just going to run away from the DDF. He suggests her flying a private ship instead, but Spensa points out that the slots are fiercely competed over and she needs a good reputation to take one. As they approach Alta, Spensa asks for Jorgen to drop her and the booster off near her cavern. As Jorgen drives back to base by himself, Spensa thinks to herself on how he somehow has even less freedom than herself. She greets M-Bot and tells him that she brought him the gift of freedom.
=== Chapter 36 ===
=== Chapter 37 ===
Spensa gets back to Alta Base and heads to Cobb's office, where he is working at his desk. Cobb tells her that FM has been looking for her, and the radio frequency for contacting her flightmates. Spensa steels herself before telling Cobb about getting Hurl's pin and handing it over. Cobb is a bit irritated over her and Jorgen not getting permission with the salvage crews. Spensa adds that they gave Hurl a pilot's burial and asks that the pin be given to Hurl's family. Cobb tells her that she can get off lightly this time, but should try to avoid making trouble. Spensa comments that her medical leave is frustrating and she doesn't know what to do with the time, to which Cobb agrees. She then asks if she can go watch recordings of old battles, and Cobb quickly agrees and gives her his authorization code to enter, to her surprise. Cobb tells her that cadets aren't supposed to be allowed in the archives and that she can use the excuse of fetching things for him as an excuse. As she turns to leave, Cobb tells her that sometimes the answers one needs don't match the questions she's asking and that a coward can make fools of wiser men, before dismissing her. As Spensa heads to the archives, she realizes that Cobb spotted the fact that she wanted to watch the Battle of Alta, and is confused as to why he simply let her do it. She looks around for a while, before finding the right case. Spensa sees that there are no viewing devices nearby, and so just takes the case. She walks out, deep in thought about how much she owes Cobb and where she is going to watch the battle recording. Distracted, Spensa is startled by FM spotting her, and lets her flightmate lead her out of the base and towards some buildings she hasn't paid attention to before.
=== Chapter 38 ===
=== Chapter 39 ===
Spensa plugs the recording into M-Bot's systems, and the ship's holoprojectors start playing the Battle of Alta. Spensa notes to herself that M-Bot has better projectors than the DDF, and can see the ships in clear detail. She watches the earlier parts of the battle and using her knowledge of flight tactics, sees how desperate the fight was. Spensa picks out a single ship that seems to fly better than the others, correctly guessing that it is Chaser. As she continues to watch, she gains a new respect for the First Citizens, thinking that while their government system is still flawed, they were brave. The recording progresses to the point where the Krell are repelled for the first time, where Chaser was said to break ranks. Spensa sees her father's ship pull away from his flight, but then head upwards to a hole in the debris instead of fleeing, presumably to track down where the Krell come from. She feels vindicated, now certain that the DDF were lying about her father's cowardice. She starts telling M-Bot about her thoughts, and M-Bot fast-forwards the recording a little. Chaser's ship returns from above, reaching the rest of his flight before IMPing them. Shocked, Spensa watches as her father attacks his own flightmates and other First Citizens, supported by the Krell. He shoots down four allied ships, including his flightmates Rally and Antique, before Cobb manages to shoot him down. Spensa spends the rest of the recording staring at the projected wreckage of Chaser's ship and ignoring the rest of the battle. She then asks M-Bot if the data could have been faked, and he tells her that it is authentic. Spensa wonders aloud what her father saw up there that made him turn against his allies, to which M-Bot replies that her father said something unusual when he saw the hole in the sky in the voice recordings. She asks him to play that section, and hears Chaser pleading with Ironsides to let him fly up there, claiming that he can hear the stars. She relents, and Chaser's ship leaves ranks. Spensa then asks if her father said anything after he came back down, and M-Bot gives her a single clip, in which he mournfully declares that he would kill everyone. Spensa asks why the DDF would hide what happened to her father when the truth was worse. M-Bot comments that he doesn't know enough to give a good answer. Numb, Spensa climbs into the cockpit and goes to sleep, ignoring M-Bot's attempts to talk to her.
=== Chapter 40 ===
=== Chapter 41 ===
=== Chapter 42 ===
A few days later, Spensa and FM have dinner with members of Inkwell and Firestorm flights. The cadets discuss whether they'll be put together into a single flight, and what name they'll take. Spensa stays quiet and eats quickly, listening to the others talk. One of the other cadets, Drama, comments on Spensa being quiet, which she is thrown off by. After dinner, Spensa heads back to her cavern to check on M-Bot and Doomslug. Spensa greets M-Bot with the name Massacrebot, which he is irritated by, and Doomslug mimics Rig cursing and the sound of hammer on metal. Spensa finds a note from Rig on the ship's fuselage, informing her that his repair work is done and thanking her for helping him find a successful career with the Engineering Corps, closing off with telling her to enjoy her ship. Spensa excitedly prepares to fly M-Bot.
=== Chapter 43 ===
=== Chapter 44 ===
=== Chapter 49 ===
=== Chapter 50 ===
Ironsides contacts Spensa on her radio, giving her the coordinates for the Krell after Spensa insists on it. Spensa tells the admiral that reinforcements might be coming (in the form of her former flightmates managing to steal ships) and that her Poco's shield isn't working, then heads in to fight the Krell. She notices and radios in about spotting a lifebuster, and Ironsides orders her to try and take out the bomber. The Krell ships try to distract Spensa, which she doesn't fall for, but she is unable to get to the bomber either. As she flies, Spensa realizes that she can somehow hear the commands being sent to the Krell ships.
Ironsides watches the battle hologram as Spensa continues evading and surviving the fifteen Krell ships' attacks. She worries that the other pilots won't be able to get back in time to help. Rikolfr asks if she's ever seen maneuvering like that, and she thinks back to Chaser.
Spensa manages to get a fifth hit on the bomber, and hopes that its shields will soon be down. Jorgen contacts her on the radio, telling her that he and Riptide Flight will be arriving soon. Spensa takes a hit on the nose from one of the black guardian ships, and realizes she can't hear them like she can for the other ships. She tries to hit the bomber, but realizes that her destructors were taken out by the damage to her ship's nose. Ironsides tells her that the bomber is almost to the death zone, a projected area in which a lifebuster would destroy Alta. She tells her to take the bomber down even if it does enter that range, in order to protect Igneous. Spensa announces her plan to ram the bomber and prepares to do so. Suddenly, the acclivity ring on her battered ship stops working and Spensa drops into a steep, out-of-control dive.
=== Chapter 51 ===
Spensa considers ejecting, but then realizes that she is the only one stopping the Krell from reaching Igneous. She turns off her ship's atmospheric scoop, opting to fly through lift instead. Spensa tries to gain enough altitude, but fails and crashes. Arturo calls in, announcing that they are coming. Flight Command orders her to leave the wreckage after learning her ship is nonfunctional, but Spensa is stuck in her straps. A Krell bomber escort ship flies over, firing at Spensa's wreckage. She is saved by Cobb flying M-Bot, who defeats the Krell ship by throwing it into the ground with a light-lance. Cobb lands, and M-Bot greets Spensa. Spensa tells Cobb that she does have the defect and can hear the Krell, but Cobb and M-Bot tell her that it doesn't matter at this point. M-Bot reveals that he rewrote part of his programming to accept Spensa as his pilot instead. Spensa climbs in, and as they lift off, tells M-Bot to go at full speed and to turn off the stealth system so that the Krell can see her coming.
=== Chapter 52 ===
Ironsides watches as the Krell forces get closer to Alta. She hears powerful families radioing that they will flee to deeper caverns and thinks of them as cowards, though she isn't surprised. Rikolfr informs her that there is a little under five minutes until the bomber reaches Alta, and Ironsides refuses when he asks her if they should evacuate the command center to one of the deeper caverns. She contacts Arturo, and tells him to shoot down the bomber despite it being in the death zone, saying that Alta is irrelevant now. A technician yells at her about a unidentified ship moving at a speed beyond what DDF ships are capable of. Ironsides thinks they might be attacked by another Krell ship, but then Spensa radios in.
As Spensa flies M-Bot at a speed much faster than the broken-down Poco's, but M-Bot reports that the destructors are offline, meaning her ship doesn't have functional weapons. M-Bot tries to comfort her by saying that his vocal aggression subroutine is working, and makes dramatic declarations over the general channel to her flightmates. Spensa tells them that she found another ship, and asks Kimmalyn, Nedd, and Arturo to stand by while she sees how the Krell react to her. A lot of Krell ships peel off from the main group and give chase. Arturo tells her that Riptide Flight will be coming soon, with Jorgen and perhaps FM. Spensa asks Arturo and Nedd to harry the bomber and try to drive it off, but Ironsides interrupts and asks them to shoot it down instead, even though it will destroy Alta and kill the admiral in the process. Spensa tells Kimmalyn to stay back and aim at the bomber, making Kimmalyn express doubt on a private channel about being able to handle such an important role. Spensa tells her that since her own ship's destructors are broken, only Kimmalyn can handle the shot. M-Bot's shields are hit a few times, causing him to make more overly blown insults at the Krell, and embarrasses Spensa when she realizes her own dramatic boasts sound similar. Spensa continues flying around, and realizes she can somehow react to the Krell commands she hears without consciously deciding to make those maneuvers, and feels as though she can feel M-Bot. Arturo radios in that they can't distract the guardian ships. Terrier, leader of Riptide Flight, arrives and Spensa tells him to have his flight harass the other Krell ships. He protests, but Jorgen vouches for Spensa. Spensa tells Jorgen and FM to get close to the bomber and use the group of Krell ships tailing Spensa as a distraction to set off an IMP on the bomber. She then tells Kimmalyn over a private channel to fire a shot that will make the bomber drop the lifebuster without setting it off while its shield is down. Kimmalyn is nervous, but Spensa gives her some encouragement. Spensa suddenly hears a command setting a timer for the bomb to detonate in 100 seconds, confusing M-Bot. FM tells her they got in an IMP, and Spensa tells Kimmalyn to fire. The shot hits the bomber's clamps, dropping the bomb. Terrier orders everyone to get out of the way, and all the other ships, including the Krell, scatter. Spensa herself instead dives towards the falling lifebuster.
=== Chapter 53 ===
Ironsides observes in the command center as Terrier, flightleader of Riptide Flight, announces that the lifebusterlifeburster bomb has been dropped and orders all nearby ships to pull out. She braces herself and hopes that the Defiants can rebuild after Alta Base is destroyed. Suddenly, she notices Spensa diving towards the bomb instead of trying to escape.
Spensa attaches the bomb to her ship via light-lance and flies away at full speed, far faster than any normal DDF ship, as the bomb's timer counts down, hoping to get it out of the death zone before time runs out. M-Bot notes that even though they can get it out of range in time, they themselves will get caught in the blast. Spensa is calm and feels as though she is part of the ship's processors. As the countdown reaches its final seconds, M-Bot lists off his functions. Just before the bomb explodes, M-Bot's systems report the presence of a "biological component" and that the cytonic hyperdrive is now functional. He tells Spensa to engage that system, and she utilizes her cytonic abilities, sending the two away from the explosion.
=== Chapter 55 ===
Spensa thinks to herself that choosing to fly through the hole is an unwise decision, but she feels an intense need to see what is up there. As they continue going upwards, she realizes that the debris fields are really a series of organized platforms. They eventually see a space station and some boxy Krell ships, and Spensa realizes that she can hear their communication, sent through the nowhere-place she can sense, and wonders if they know about the dangers of using it. M-Bot tells her that they are also using normal communications that he can decipher. Suddenly, Spensa is hit by something, and realizes that the Krell are trying to overwrite her vision. M-Bot engages his stealth and jamming system, and the sensation goes away. She tells M-Bot about the defect that she has, and that she thinks her father turned traitor on his flight because the Krell made him think that they were dead and that he was shooting at Krell ships. They observe the Krell ships, which have brighter colors, and M-Bot translates the words on their sides as "Penitentiary maintainance and containment of Earthlings". Spensa tells M-Bot to lower the systems he was using to block cytonics, and she listens in on Krell chatter. One of the aliens expresses fear that Spensa is going to eat them, and outright panics and flees after she makes a face at it. M-Bot hacks their systems and downloads some data before getting caught. Some Krell interceptors come out from the space station, and they decide to leave. Strangely, the interceptors do not fire at them, and stop following after they pass through a few layers of debris. Spensa asks M-Bot what he got from the Krell computer, and he tells her that while he didn't retrieve too much data, what he did get is rather helpful.
== Epilogue ==