Difference between revisions of "Summary:Oathbringer"

Shinovar was spelled 'Shinover.' I fixed it.
m (Shinovar was spelled 'Shinover.' I fixed it.)
;Plot Summary
Szeth is talking with sword-nimi at the [[Skybreaker]] fortress at the [[Purelake]]. It encourages Szeth to draw it more often, but Szeth has been warned only to draw in extreme emergency and with lots of Stormlight on hand. He plans to finish his training and go back to ShinoverShinovar to administer justice. Ki tells Szeth and five other hopefuls that they are deemed worthy to speak the First Ideal of the [[Immortal Words]]. Instead of belting the words out like the others, Szeth whispers the First Ideal to the voices of the dead that he hears to assure them that they will receive justice for their murders. Ki then explains to them the procedure of becoming a full Skybreaker. They will undergo several tests and speak more ideals when a highspren is ready to bond to them. Before being carried through the air, Szeth asks Ki if he should be treated the same as the other new Skybreakers. She explains to him that only Nin, who is absent at that moment, is able to make such a judgement, and Szeth is content with this answer.
{{anchor|Chapter 91}}