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The ship is on its way to Celebrant. Adolin is in Captain Ico’s cabin, refashioning clothes that the spren gave him. Ico enters and tells Adolin he can sense that he was a ruler in the Physical Realm, wondering why such a human would come to Shadesmar. Adolin doesn't answer and contemplates the thought of ruling, thinking that Dalinar will surely abdicate now that Elohkar is dead but worries he may have to take the throne. He grew up hoping he wouldn’t, fearing that it would mean an end to dueling and enjoying life; plus, he feels inconsistent, unlike Dalinar.
On the deck, Adolin and Azure talk as a highstorm causes the clouds above to become iridescent and the Reachers to work more vigorously. Azure is impressed by how well Adolin improved his outfit, noting it’s an unusual skill to have for a royal. Adolin asks her if she knew many royals, and after an enigmatic answer, she says she has known some, including a woman who abdicated her duty in favor of someone who could do it better. She indicates that she has been in similar situations herself, getting “too involved” then abandoning everyone. Thinking she is referencing the wall guard in Kholinar, Adolin tells her she did not abandon them. The conversation ends with Azure saying that she doesn’t regret allowing someone else to rule who was more capable but doesn’t elaborate on what she means. Captain Ico bids Adolin to go with him into the brig to retrieve his “Deadeye“deadeye,” referring to Adolin’s dead spren. Adolin sees another Deadeyedeadeye in the brig, Ico’s father, and doesn’t understand why they should be held captive. Ico responds that he can’t have them on deck because they don’t watch where they’re going and fall off; furthermore, his father would go searching for the human carrying his corpse. Adolin is surprised since this implies that Ico’s father is a Radiant spren. Ico cautions Adolin that his spren is not his friend, just a tool, and he shouldn’t pretend otherwise.
The ship pulls up to the dock as Adolin thanks Ico, asking once more if he’ll take them to the portal between realms, but Ico declines since the region has gained a bad reputation due to vanishing ships. He advises them not to stray too far outside Celebrant, to tie up the Deadeyedeadeye, and to visit the dock registrar which will help them find potential passage. The group agrees to split up: Kaladin, Adolin, and Syl will acquire rations and supplies, and Shallan, Pattern, and Azure will go to the dock registrar to try to find a ship that will take them on.