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m (Capitalized Fused and corrected minor punctuation)
Szeth and Lift approach the Parshmen army. Lift slips into the Parshmen ship, the Parshmen not aggressive. Szeth notes Nin in the sky above the battle. A fusedFused streaks out of the ship, carrying the large ruby, escaping Lift. Szeth chases the Fused through the battlefield of illusions, and eventually catches up to and crashes into them. Both eventually crash into the ground, where Szeth scoops up the ruby, and draws the attention of three more Fused.
Dalinar reflects on the Thrill and the points in his life that it had affected him, but he embraces what he was, rejects the Thrill, and thanks it for the strength it had lent him.
Szeth chases down a Fused carrying the Ruby. The Fused uses the power of Abrasion, and Szeth feigns ignorance of it until he's in a position to lash the Fused into the sky, and catchcatches the Ruby in his pouch. Szeth manages to trick the Fused into thinking they stole the pouch with the Ruby in it, but instead the Ruby was handed to Lift, who hid in an illusion of a rock. Together, Lift and Szeth go to Dalinar, but Szeth trusts the Ruby to Lift as he can't bring himself to approach the red mist. Lift enters the red mist alone.