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;Plot Summary
Kaladin enters and recognizes people from the town, but they don't recognize him, probably due to his ragged appearance. He has gone several days without shaving and his worn uniform appears as if it is a size too small. He starts to look for his parents, but the guard tries to order him to see Roshone. Kaladin shoves him away and gives him his best sergeant's glare, then continues his search of the manor. He hears the moans of wounded and follows the sound, hoping that his parents would be attending them. [[Lirin]] is indeed there working on someone, and it takes a moment for him to recognize his son. HeLirin calls [[Hesina]] in, but before Kaladin can truly reunite, he confesses that he didn'tfailed saveand could not prevent the death of [[Tien]]. TheyHis parents tell Kaladin that they were toldinformed that Kaladin was dead too. They have a tearful reunion, his parents with joy, Kaladin for his grief over Tien.
Kaladin sips some soup while Syl stares at Hesina, perplexed about something. The guard insists that Kaladin be taken into custody because he is branded as a deserter, but Lirin threatens to quit as the town's surgeon. Hesina explains to Kaladin that Roshone has softened, presumably from guilt. Syl tells Kaladin that she knew his family, even before she met him, because everyone is connected. She mentions another voice, "Pure, with a song like tapped crystal, distant yet demanding." Roshone appears, older and more feeble, but still with an imperious bearing. After some goading by Roshone, Kaladin punches him in the face, saying "that was for my friend [[Moash]]."
{{anchor|Chapter 7}}
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