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Dalinar wakes up on a stone floor where there is light streaming in from a balcony. He recognizes the room and realizes he is in the vision where he met Nohadan, believing there must be a highstorm outside while he sleeps. He is surprised since the Stormfather, following Dalinar's encounter with Odium, had agreed the visions were now dangerous. Once again, the vision is not playing out like it did before. Instead of joining a young, morose Nohadan on the balcony overlooking the Desolation, he finds an aged Nohadan sitting in another room at a desk writing what he suspects is the Way of Kings, only to be informed by the king that it is a shopping list. A large shadow passes in front of the sun outside. Dalinar accompanies Nohadan to the market with the list, contemplating the old man’s uncharacteristically whimsical nature and how he reminds him of Taravangian.
The enormous shadow again appears again, followed by heavy footfalls that shake the ground, but Nohadan doesn’t seem to notice. The shadow passes away while Nohadan tells Dalinar stories and philosophizes about the nature of principles. Frustrated and desperate for counsel, Dalinar laments that he and his allies can’t seem to make any progress and says he’s half-tempted to force them into it. The shadow and sound return, and Dalinar sees it's a giant stone creature with an angular face and red eye sockets (a [[Thunderclast]]). Nohadan touches the giant stone creature and it stills; he wonders aloud what it represents. Dalinar tells him it represents pain, tears, and burdens. He calls himself a hypocrite. Nohadan states that a hypocrite is “nothing more than a man who is in the process of changing.” Dalinar realizes this is something that he himself once said. The city is suddenly overcome with more stone creatures as a seemingly-unaware Nohadan continues to philosophize, noting that although Dalinar has said the oaths, he doesn’t understand the journey and what is required. The vision ends with Nohadan telling Dalinar that he has forgotten an essential part of the journey – “the most important step a man can take.”
Dalinar wakes up in Urithiru next to a mostly-empty bottle of wine. There was no storm, and it wasn’t a vision. Suddenly something blooms inside of him; not a new memory but a sudden crisp recollection – the night of Gavilar’s funeral.
