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Kaladin continues fighting a transforming Amaram. Syl changes into a shield and helps Kaladin disarm one of Amaram's shardblades, although Kaladin isn't able to use this to his advantage as he was fighting both Amaram and a large Fused. Kaladin allows the Fused to impale him, then lashes the Fused up into the sky through the mist. Kaladin and Amaram continue their battle amidst the Everstorm, Amaram explaining his motives. Kaladin goads Amaram, pressing the High Prince to attack. Enraged, Amaram jumped up to Kaladin and hung in the air, right where Kaladin had wanted him. Fighting in the sky, Kaladin manages to crack the gemstone in Amaram's chest, and the Amaram falls to the ground defeated. As Amaram collapses, seven Fused (including the one Kaladin sent flying) return to fight Kaladin in order to remove him from helping Dalinar.
Renarin and Hrdalm have finished breaking off both of the Thunderclasts legs, as well as one of its arms. Glys tells Renarin how to defeat Thunderclast, drawing in a large amount of stormlight. Hrdalm is sent to help the battle while Renarin goes for the Oathgate.
Stormlight running out and body overtaxed, Shallan's illusions falter and fail. The Fused move through the dying illusions toward Shallan, Veil and Radiant, but Jasnah steps between them and the approaching Fused. Jasnah soulcasts a barrier of flames. Jasnah reaches for Shallan, but instead Shallan puffs away into smoke, revealing that the "real" Shallan was in the form of Radiant. Shallan asks Jasnah if she's real, which she confirms. Jasnah and Shallan go to leave the battle, and Shallan is mesmerized with how easily Jasnah soulcasts air into a prison of stone around the Fused.
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