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Jasnah hears a murmur in the debris and soulcasts the rubble to reveal the corpse of a Thaylen shardbarrer and his blade. Adolin orders Kdralk to take soldiers, retrieve the shardblade and to rescue troops throughout the city. Adolin summons his blade, and goes to help take down the Thunderclast.
Amaram and Kaladin fight, as Amaram slowly continues to transform. Kaladin breaks off his attack to help defend Dalinar, and barely avoids arrows shot by Amaram from a shardbow.
Dalinar confronts the Thrill, reliving battles from his life with each step. He ponders the intent of the Thrill.
Jasnah lingers between realms, and soulcasts air into steps to the top of the wall to meet Navani and Queen Fen. She notices that Shallan is nearly out of stormlight from crating her illusory army, and tells Navani that they need to rally a defense. Jasnah defends the group from two Fused nonchalantly, setting one on fire and bisecting the other. Jasnah commands that they must hold the wall by conventional means until Urithiru sends reinforcements.
Szeth continues his battle with the Fused, attempting to get to Dalinar. Szeth throws the Ruby, which the Fused chase, and uses the distraction to get back to Lift.
Shallan continues to project her illusions to feed the enemies Thrill. She's suddenly interrupted by Lift.
Amaram and Kaladin continue their duel, Amaram baiting him while Kaladin searches for an opening to attack. Kaladin scores a hit on Amaram's plate, cracking it. As Amaram gains his footing, his boot explodes, showing a foot covered in carapace. Throughout the battle, Amaram continues to transform, his plate erupting and exploding off of his body as Kaladin is continually distracted by the Fused around Dalinar. Amaram is joined in battle by another Fused in full carapace armor.
{{anchor|Chapter 121}}