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As he moves to execute Tanlan he comments that at least Tanlan didn't hide in that hole but he had set afire the people who were there. Tanlan laughs. The messengers that Dalinar killed at the start of the day were to tell him they had imprisoned his wife. Dalinar strangles him to death in a fury, Kadash begins vomitting at the realization of what they did, and Dalinar goes limp.
Evi's burned corpse is brought back to camp. She drugged her guard and snuck away in the night leading people to suspect that she was a traitor all along. He swears the scribes to secrecy and instead has them hide her burned body. They lie that she was assassinated in the night and the city was burned as retribution. As Dalinar leaves, he hears the screams of the innocent the night before and thinks he even hears Evi.
{{anchor|Chapter 77}}