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(→‎Chapter 116: Alone: Finished summary)
The two Oathgate spren tell Shallan that she is not allowed to use the portal. She protests that she has Stormlight, but they tell her that they were ordered by Honor to not allow travel to and from Shadesmar before his death. Meanwhile, Adolin, Pattern, and Syl are blending in with the illusions by acting like them and randomly slashing around, confusing the Fused trying to spot them. Shallan continues to attempt to persuade the spren, who apologetically inform her that access is forbidden.
Szeth and Nin hover above the battlefield, watching. Szeth points out the Sadeas troops changing sides, and Nin replies that they have "seen the truth". They continue discussing the current situation, and Nin manages to sway Szeth to his own point of view, that the parshmen are the rightful owners of Roshar. Szeth is uncomfortable with this, but is forced to concede to himself that his logic is sound. The sword interrupts Szeth's contemplation, urging him to fight the parshmen. Szeth replies that he has no choice, and Nightblood brings up the time he spent following his oathstone. Szeth tries to rebut the sword's argument, saying that he had no choice in what he did, but then realizes that his oathstone was just a rock all along, and that he actually did have a choice.
Szeth and Nin hover above the battlefield, watching.
Kaladin flies about, looping around a mountain and enjoying the flying as the Fused continue their pursuit. He turns back towards the Oathgate to check on Shallan, who waves her hands to signal that she needs more time. He attacks the Fused with the harpoon and steals his weapon. The disarmed parshman draws his sword and joins his comrades, saying something Kaladin is unable to comprehend. He tells the Fused that if it was a challenge, then he gladly accepts. Just then, Kaladin's Stormlight runs out.
Navani unwedges the rock and pushes it out of the way, opening a path. She sees that a large chunk of the wall in front of them has collapsed, and that one of the guard towers had fallen and crushed three soldiers. Fen points out that the stairway survived, allowing them to walk down and help the soldiers searching for survivors in the rubble below. Navani opens the staircase door and lets Fen and Kmakl enter, but stops herself from joining them. She sees the two thunderclasts and the churning red mist, one of the Unmade (Nergaoul, specifically) on the battlefield. Navani spots soldiers with glowing red eyes enter the city through the gap in the wall, along with the enemies outside making way for a single parshwoman (Venli). She then sees Amaram with Odium's troops, and realizes that he has changed sides. Finally, Navani notices Dalinar making his way through the hole in the city wall, unarmed and carrying a book, heading towards the Voidbringer forces outside.
{{anchor|Chapter 117}}