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(Fixed "Feverston" - added 'e' at the end.)
Dalinar leads a group of archers to ambush the Caravan carrying the traitor. He spots men in Sadeas's uniforms and charges down the canyon towards the caravan. Right into a trap. A landslide wipes out his troops and nearly shatters his shardplate. He crawls from the rubble, the Thrill engulfing him. The eyes of the soldiers surrounding him seem to glow with the Thrill, and they attack.
The battle consumes DalanarDalinar, and when he regains his senses, he's smashing the head of a man repeatedly, surrounded by corpses. Badly wounded and plate heavily damaged, he trudges back to his camp. The men there are astounded at his return, having received the message that all were dead. Dalinar realizes it was all a trap from the start. The scouts who relayed that a caravan left were traitors. Sadeas and Dalinar don't want to besiege the city, they want all the inhabitants to be punished, men, women, and children. Evi tries to pacify him but Dalinar orders the soulcaster to make as much oil as possible. He intends to burn the entire town for their broken oaths.