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m (→‎Epilogue: Great Art: Removing the Mentioned Only tags for characters who do appear in the chapter. If anything, there aren't enough characters listed there.)
Kaladin continues flying, followed by four of the six Fused. He notices that his Lashings are more powerful in the short term, but the Fused are skilled fliers. He reminds himself that he only needs to keep them distracted long enough for Shallan to activate the Oathgate. A malen Fused jabs his lance at Kaladin, and he Lashes himself aside just in time. Kaladin realizes the fact that his harpoon is much shorter than the Fused's lances puts him at a disadvantage. He puts multiple downward Lashings on his harpoon and drops the weapon, causing it to smack into the Fused. The startled creature drops his own lance, and Kaladin dives downward in a jarring maneuver and catches it. The disarmed Fused goes after the dropped harpoon as Kaladin leads the other three Fused around. He steels himself as the four Fused continue chasing after him.
YawnaganYanagawn paces around in the cabin of his ship, thinking about how he is getting used to being emperor, but that he still has his limitations. He tries to convince his advisors to go back and help with the battle. He tells them that Lift advised doing so. They continue arguing about Lift and the extent of YawnaganYanagawn's authority. Vono, the guardsman in charge of watching Lift, enters, and reports that she knocked him out and escaped. YawnaganYanagawn forces himself to keep from demanding answers, to avoid shaming the man. Another messenger, a scribe, enters, hastily bowing before informing them that the Alethi troops have turned against the city. Noura orders them to pull away from any ships with Alethi troops as YawnaganYanagawn sits down, troubled at the news.
The two Oathgate spren tell Shallan that she is not allowed to use the portal. She protests that she has Stormlight, but they tell her that they were ordered by Honor to not allow travel to and from Shadesmar before his death. Meanwhile, Adolin, Pattern, and Syl are blending in with the illusions by acting like them and randomly slashing around, confusing the Fused trying to spot them. Shallan continues to attempt to persuade the spren, who apologetically inform her that access is forbidden.
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