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;Plot Summary
Shallan reads the letter. It tells of two groups "which presaged the return of the Voidbringers." The [[Sons of Honor]], led by Gavilar and Amaram, worked to bring about the Desolations in order to draw out the [[Herald]]s and restore power to the Vorin church. The [[Skybreaker]]s, an order of Radiants whose members had not broken their oaths, led by Nale, hunted down and killed anyone who had, or were about to form a bond to spen, because Nale thought that that would ''prevent'' the Voidbringers from coming back. Helaren was recruited by Nale, but was not accepted fully, so he may have taken it upon himself to kill Amaram to prove his worth. Or perhaps there was a potential Radiant in his army; if that was the case, it was not Kaladin, or he would have been killed while a slave. The letter abruptly ends. Shallan destroys the letter and goes out as Veil.
Veil enters the common room and finds Shallan's soldiers playing a game. She complains about Shallan a bit, then joins the game, betting some spheres. She wins, astounding the others with her skill. They ask Veil if Shallan will give them something else to do and advise her to tell Shallan that they aren't good men. Veil recognizes a laundry girl and grabs her: it's Ishnah. She claims to have been a spy for another Brightlady, so she has useful skills. Veil tells her she can prove herself if she trains her men well. Otherwise, she has to leave her alone. Ishnah agrees.
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