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;Plot Summary
Dalinar is frustrated that Azir has refused to open the Oathgate. Azir is planning to destroy their Oathgate. He asks Teshav to contact Queen Fen again. While the spanreed writes back, Dalinar experiments with Adhesion, climbing up to an apparent ventilation shaft on the wall near the ceiling. Queen Fen replies and refuses to enter into a treaty because she thinks that Dalinar, the Blackthorn, is not sincere. Dalinar wanders the halls. After an hour, Lyn finds him and tells him that Bridge Four wants him. They show him Oathbringer. Dalinar picks it up, hearing the scream of the dead spren. He asks the Stormfather if it can be healed, but he knows of no way to do it. He takes it to Ialai and puts init reverently on the floor. He sees Amaram there and reminds him that he will face judgment for killing defenseless men. Amaram calls him a hypocrite, as he has slaughtered thousands with his Shardblade. Dalinar has no response, and seeks solitude in his rooms. Taravangian is there, and they discuss the conundrum of sometimes having to punish the innocent in order to protect society at large. The Stormfather tells Dalinar that he is not a hypocrite, but Dalinar disagrees. He wants to know more about Nohadon, so he asks to see that vision again. The Stormfather offers to show Navani directly, and that gives Dalinar an idea: put Queen Fen into the vision with him.
{{anchor|Chapter 29}}
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