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*[[Jax (Reckoners)|Jax]]
*[[BrigandAtlas Butler]]
:''Seven years ago''
A young Jax is visiting his brother Dan at his school, and they go out to breakfast. In the middle of their meal, Lovestruck appears. Jax runs to Lovestruck, not sensing the danger and Dan follows. Lovestruck blows a kiss towards Dan, killing him. The police appear and drive off Lovestruck. A team of paramedics show up and attempt to help Dan, but are powerless to help. Jax stays by Dan's body for hours before Prof arrives. Prof offers to drive Jax back to his family Houston, then reveals that it has been destroyed by Obliteration, and all of Jax's family with it. Prof lets Jax stay the night, then offers to take Jax to stay with some friends in New York. Jax accepts. They visit Dan's apartment once before departing, and Jax recovers Dan's sword. In the car, Prof tells Jax about the Reckoners, and Jax reveals that he wants to help others.