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=== Chapter 34 ===
Megan is able to avoid detection by hiding under David's bed, while Tia enters the room to ask David to accompany Val and plant a spy camera. David wants to talk to Tia to plead Megan's innocence, but Megan declines, and asks David to help her escape to the submarine. Megan thanks David for being her friend. David distracts Val by asking her to check the spyril for defects while Megan sneaks past. David and Val enter the sub and travel to Babilar. David changes to a wetsuit while Val exits the sub, and Megan watches. David then distracts Val again so that Megan can depart the sub undetected. David activates the spyril and leaves the sub. He is able to use the spyril with Megan holding onto him and they travel to one of the buildings. They flirt then David asks Megan to spy with him on Obliteration and she says yes.
David then whips out his penis etc.
=== Chapter 35 ===