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== Excerpt ==
|Steelheart possesses the strength of ten men and can control the elements. It is said no bullet can harm him, no sword can split his skin, no explosion can burn him. Nobody fights back...nobody but the Reckoners. <br>A shadowy group of ordinary humans, the Reckoners spend their lives studying Epics, finding their weaknesses, and then taking them out. For the death of his father, David wants in. For years, like the Reckoners, David’s been studying and planning, and has something they need. Not an object, but an experience. He’s seen Steelheart bleed.</br>
|Blurb from [[Wikipedia:Goodreads|Goodreads]]{{url ref|url=http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/15704458-steelheart|text=Goodreads page}}
== Magic System ==
The [[Epic]]s have what is classically known as super-powers. Some technologies have been invented through the study of these super powered individuals, and so many devices have a seemingly mystical quality to them. Epic powers can differ greatly between individuals. Some have a single power, though most, especially the most powerful, have more than one. (It's worth noting that the book implies that the stronger a single power, the more likely that epic is to have additional powers). While many Epics display powers that are similar in nature (the powers to become invisible and make illusions for example) or different but complementary (prophetic foresight and super human reflexes for example), some Epics, namely the most powerful, seem to have powers that bear no relation to one another. A prime example of the latter situation is Steelheart with his super strength, invincibility, abilityand abilities to fly, and shoot energy blasts from his hands.
Every Epic has a weakness. Like the distribution of powers, this can often come in a form that relates to the powers (smoke disrupting invisibility, for example) or can be random (seeing a particular symbol, having proximity to a certain item, having a certain thought). These weaknesses either disrupt or weaken the power, or entirely disable it <!-- (A speculative note: While never mentioned in the book itself, there seems indications that the greater the power, the worse the effect of the weakness being exposed) -->.