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36 bytes removed ,  6 years ago
{{quote| She noticed something sweeping through the air above her. She cringed, looking up to find large, birdlike creatures circling around her in Shadesmar. They were a dark grey and seemed to have no specific shape, their forms blurry.| Words of Radiance: Chapter Eleven{{book ref|sa2|11}}}}
A type of spren that appear around exhausted people. InThey Shadesmarappear theyas seembrown-colored{{book indistinctref|sa3|}} yetjets alsoof largedust andshooting birdlike. Their appearanceup in the physicalair{{book realm has not been described, but they appear among the Kholin forces following the Battle of the Tower.ref|sa3|38}}{{book ref|sa1sa3|6849}}.
In Shadesmar they seem indistinct yet also large and birdlike.
