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A type of spren that flies around [[skyeel]]s. They have the appearance of tiny, blue, arrowhead-like fish that dart around the skyeel in the general direction of its travel. It is commonly believed by Rosharan's that they aid the skyeel to fly in some manner, the accuracy of this belief is not known.<ref name=luckspren /> They are referred to as "luckspren" by sailors, but it may not be their true name.{{ref| [[:File:Skyeel.jpg| Shallan's Sketchbook: Skyeels]]}}
<ref name=nahelseon>[http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/4220-chicago-signing-1/?p=66166| Is the bond between a Seon and its master similar to the Nahel bond between a Surgebinder and his spren?]</ref>
<ref name=adospren>[http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/4258-questions-for-seattle-signing-1014/page-6#entry68628 Please explain what you will about shards and splintering and slivers.]</ref>
<ref name=luckspren>[http://inkthinker.deviantart.com/art/The-Way-of-Kings-Skyeels-180124400| Skyeel Illustration Description]</ref>