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(This is uncanonical material)
A common type of spren that appear around those experiencing pain. They have the appearance of sinewy, orange hands.{{book ref|sa1|1}} They crawl out of the ground and swarm the pained, latching on to the wounded areas.{{book ref|sa1|16}}
In Shadesmar they are called grinders and are dangerous, like angerspren.{{wob ref|12304}}
==== Passionspren ====
Cusicesh is worshipped by the people of Kasitor, who not only set their clocks by its arrival, but have also built golden plinths at the spots where Cusicesh's feet land. However, people who are in the vicinity of Cusicesh when it appears often report a sense of fatigue after it vanishes, which may or may not be because of expectation.{{book ref|sa1|i|5}}
Cusicesh is lessnot as powerful thanas the three Bondsmith spren.{{wob ref|174}}
=== Nightwatcher ===