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For Rosharans, the term "spren" has broad application. Entities such as [[Shard]]s, [[Cognitive Shadow]]s and other entitiesbeings existingfrom beyond the [[Physical Realm]] would be considered spren by the Rosharans.{{book ref|sa3|4}}{{book ref|sa3|38}} Among those are Cognitive aspects of objects. Those Cognitive aspects are based on how they are viewed by the surrounding entities and how long they've been the way they currently are.{{book ref|sa1|37}} These "spren" can be spoken to in the Cognitive Realm and bribed with [[Stormlight]], which forms the basis of [[Soulcasting]].{{book ref|sa1|48}} In [[Shadesmar]], they usually take the form of small beads, akin to [[sphere]]s that serve as Roshar's currency. A skilled person can "manifest" a bead, making it take the form of its Physical counterpart.{{book ref|sa3|99}}
In the strictest sense, however, spren are [[splinter]]s of one of more Shards, with a single spren being composed of one or more types of [[Investiture]]. Most spren are [[splinter]]s of [[Honor]] and [[Cultivation]], or a mixture of both that leans towards either one [[Shard]] or the other.{{wob ref|11949}} There are said to be thousands of different kinds of spren, each named for a different type of phenomenon.{{book ref|sa1|49}} They vary vastly in size, with the smallest being the size of a thumbnail, while the largest can dwarf buildings.{{file ref|Rosharan Wines.jpg|Rosharan Wines}}{{book ref|sa1|i|5}}