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Vast majority of all spren is non-sapient. Although some can speak, talking with them is generally an exercise in futility, which leads to people ignoring them a lot of the time.{{book ref|sa1|2}} Spren of the same sub-type are essentially the same individual, with no differences between any two entities.{{book ref|sa1|17}} They are capable of forming a bond with humans, though it is different from the Nahel bond of true spren.{{wob ref|4783}} As creatures of nature, spren are not particularly concerned with good and evil.{{wob ref|9780}}
Lesser spren vary in the degree tohow whichmuch they appear in the [[Physical Realm]]. Some, like windspren, exist almost entirely in the Physical, having almostnext to no imprint on Shadesmar. Others, likeBy angersprencontrast, others exist mostly in Shadesmar, with only parts of them, like tongues or drool, visible in the Physical.{{book ref|sa3|95}} There are also spren like [[mandra]]s (luckspren), who will often and easily switch between existing in the Cognitive and the Physical. In Shadesmar, this phenomenon is called "dropping", as the spren appears to drop out of existence, and then drop back in.{{book ref|sa3|99}}
==== Nature and emotion spren ====
Lesser spren are divided into '''nature spren''' and '''emotion spren'''.{{book ref|sa2|3}} Emotion spren are attracted to sensations like anger, joy or passion; they are composed of more Honor than Cultivation. Nature spren are attracted to natural phenomena like wind, decay or rain, and have more Cultivation than Honor in them.{{wob ref|6454}} Emotion spren will react to emotional Allomancy.{{wob ref|2740}} While they are often invisible, they are said to be ever present and will appear around the phenomenon they are named for.{{book ref|sa1|7}} The exception is in [[ShinovarAllomancy]], where spren rarely appear.{{book ref|sa1|i|4}}{{wob ref|87142740}} Some spren are easier to find than others, however even the most common will, at times, fail to appear.{{book ref|sa1|i|5}}
While the lesser spren are often invisible, they are said to be ever present and will pop up around the phenomenon they are named for.{{book ref|sa1|7}} This is with the exception of [[Shinovar]], where spren rarely appear.{{book ref|sa1|i|4}}{{wob ref|8714}} Some spren are easier to find than others, though even the most common will, at times, fail to appear.{{book ref|sa1|i|5}}
==== Odium's influence ====
Lesser spren can be corrupted by [[Sja-Anat]], a process which she refers to as "enlightening".{{book ref|sa3|97}} Such corrupted spren will appear to be misshapen compared to their regular counterparts, with various parts of them exaggerated to a more painful degree -- for example, a hand becoming more wiry and bony, or petals turning into shards of glass.{{book ref|sa3|77}}{{file ref|Kholinar Spren.jpg|Kholinar Spren}}
Separately, there exist '''[[voidspren]]'', spren made up of the essence of [[Odium]]. The lesser voidspren are, like their native Rosharan counterparts, non-sentient. They can, however, form bonds with [[singer]]s, granting them [[Regal]] forms, which often includesinclude supernatural powers and a change in mindset in the singer.{{book ref|sa3|i|7}}
=== True Spren ===
