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Some spren are also related to the physical phenomena of [[wikipedia:wave-function collapse|wave-function collapse]] -- one can fix certain spren's dimensions simply by the act of measuring it.{{book ref|sa1|i|8}}
Spren notice when they are being watched and will change based on direct individual perception. {{book ref|sa4 |34}}
== Classification of Spren ==
It's possible that deathspren have a more direct effect on the dying than simply being attracted to them, as [[Syl]] strives to protect Kaladin from them when he's close to death.{{book ref|sa1|38}}
It is also possible that only the dying can see the deathspren because they can temporarily into the other Realms (either Spiritual or Cognitive); when Kaladin sees [[Syl]] defending him from the deathspren, she appears differently than before, as a solid figure of glowing light as opposed to her normal translucent manifestation in the Physical Realm. {{book ref|sa1|38}}
==== Decayspren ====
Windspren are closely related to [[honorspren]], such as Sylphrena.{{wob ref|4071}} This is evidenced by their ability to stick things together{{book ref|sa1|2}}, making use of a rudimentary version of the [[Surge]] of Adhesion.{{wob ref|3260}} They generally use this ability to play pranks on people, doing things like sticking shoes to stone or sticking shoelaces together to cause someone to trip.{{book ref|sa3|77}} Additionally, windspren form Windrunner [[Shardplate|Plate]].{{book ref|sa4|110}}
Singers bond windspren to use nimbleform. {{book ref|sa4|74}}
=== True Spren ===
