Difference between revisions of "Spiritweb"

455 bytes added ,  1 month ago
Added section on Canticle and Heat Sharing
(Added section on Canticle and Heat Sharing)
==== Forgery ====
[[Forgery]] works by overlaying an object’s or person’s history and spiritweb with an alternative one. This may indicate that it is possible to remove the effects of a [[soulstamp]], though it is currently unknown.{{wob ref|837}}
=== Heat Sharing ===
People from the planet [[Canticle]] are able to exchange portions of their spirtweb similar to breath. Unlike breath, heat can only be exchanged with people of Canticle (including by invitation).{{book ref|tsm|Thirty-Nine}} It is unclear how this would interact with Allomancy, as the strength of Allomantic power is generally proportional to the amount of [[Preservation|Preservation's]] investiture an Allomancer contains.{{Cite}}
=== The Metallic Arts ===