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|Shai{{tes ref|12}}
The effectiveness of a Forgery soulstamp is dependent in part on the plausibility of a stamp. This includes both how the object views itself (the object's history) and how others view it.{{wob ref|4055}} [{[Wan ShaiLu]] exhibits a notable awareness of [[Realmatic Theory]] and the relationships between the [[Physical Realm|Physical]], [[Spiritual Realm|Spiritual]], and [[Cognitive Realm]]s, presumably because this knowledge is directly relevant to skilled Forgery.{{tes ref|12}} The ability of Forgery to rewrite an object's Spiritual nature is congruent with other concepts in the [[cosmere]] such as [[Soulcasting]], although Forgery's changes are inherently temporary.{{wob ref|10966}}{{wob ref|14958}}
Soulstamps have a glyph of [[MaiPon]] on the back of a stamp, and like other Selish magic, the Forgery gets weaker the further you travel from MaiPon.{{au ref|sel}}{{tes ref|30}}{{wob ref|4680}} It is not possible to simply change the glyph on the back of the stamp to correspond to a new location, it is necessary to be born in MaiPon or have a bloodline connection to the area.{{wob ref|4054}}