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125 bytes added ,  3 years ago
(Reword. This notable Soulcasters section doesn't seem overly helpful)
=== Creation and Spread ===
Soulcasters are an ancient design, and how they're made is unknown.{{book ref|sa1|39}} In the West, it's believed that Soulcasters originally came from the island of [[Akinah]] in the land of [[Aimia]].{{book ref|sa3|i|4}} [[Vorin]] teachings claim that they came from the [[Honor|Almighty]], through the [[Knights Radiant]].{{book ref|sa1|42}} Soulcasters and the shape of Akinah are related, along with the 10th name of the Almight, He Who Transforms.{{wob ref|8614}} Whether or not Soulcaster fabrials use trapped [[spren]] is unknown.{{wob ref|9239}} However, the presence that can be felt by its user is similar to what occurs with the [[Oathgate spren]].{{wob ref|9533}}
Where the Soulcasters can be found is uneven. Nations like [[Alethkar]] possess numerous ones, capable of creating materials such as grain or stone. Other states, like [[Azir]], have very few, while places like [[Liafor]] have only one.{{book ref|sa2|i|9}}{{book ref|sa3|i|4}} Countries such as [[Iri]], [[Rira (country)|Rira]] and [[Kharbranth]] have none whatsoever.{{book ref|sa3|19}}
