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94 bytes added ,  1 year ago
Workform endows increased strength, though it lacks the armor; rather, singers in workform are limber and rugged. It's better suited for labor, and most workers use it; however, it is also sometimes used when fighting.{{book ref|sa2|i|1}}{{book ref|sa3|115}} Singers in workform have carapace in ridges along the backs of their hands, and no carapace on the rest of their body.{{book ref|sa4|62}} They are also fairly resistant to cold weather.{{book ref|sa4|68}} While in workform, singers are more obedient, and have greater difficulty committing violence, forcing one to find peaceful solutions to various problems.{{book ref|sa2|i|1}}{{book ref|sa2|i|11}} It's also considered more flexible than warform.{{book ref|sa3|prologue}} Singers in workform are bonded with [[Spren#Gravitationspren|gravitationspren]].{{book ref|sa4|11}}
The first listeners to bond workform heard the pure tone of Cultivation.{{book ref|sa4|68}}
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