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(→‎Common Forms: Make the forms linkable)
These forms are mentioned in the listener [[Song of Listing]]. After the [[Recreance]] and before the [[True Desolation]], when the only singers who could think were the [[listener]]s, the listeners only discovered five forms: dullform, mateform, warform, workform, and nimbleform. When the [[Everstorm]] arrived and healed the other singers, singers held these forms and other common forms the listeners could not reproduce, such as artform and scholarform, and had a "dozen" options.{{book ref|sa3|I-7}}
{{quote|Dullform dread, with the mind most lost.<br><!--
-->The lowest, and one not bright.<br><!--
-->To find this form, one needs banish cost.<br><!--
-->It finds you and brings you to blight.
|final stanza of the [[Song of Listing]]{{epigraph ref|sa2|17}}}}
Dullform is an older form which was rarely used after the discovery of the newer forms. Those in dullform are not very intelligent.
{{quote|Mateform meek, for love to share,<br><!--
-->Given to life, it brings us joy.<br><!--
[[File:parshendiwarform.png|thumb|300px|Warform by [[User:Khal]]]]
{{quote|Warform is worn for battle and reign,<br><!--
-->Claimed by the gods, given to kill.<br><!--
Warform gives listeners an armor-like carapace; it also seems to give them advanced physical capabilities, although it severely hampers artistic ability and is not equipped to handle abstractions. Most [[Parshendi]] that interact with the Alethi are in warform. Out of all the forms known to the listeners, warform requires the most food, but is also the most durable.{{book ref|sa2|i|4}}
{{quote|Workform worn for strength and care.<br><!--
-->Whispering spren breathe at your ear.<br><!--
Workform also endows significant physical strength, although without the armor of the warform; those in workform also have thinner fingers. While in workform, the Parshendi find it difficult to commit violence and did not like confrontation.
{{quote|Nimbleform has a delicate touch.<br><!--
-->Gave the gods this form to many,<br><!--
Nimbleform was a form used by the [[listener]] scholars because they do not know the correct spren to bond with for scholarform. It does not impede the mind and the fingers are delicate enough for recording their findings. It grows long hair without any carapace to block it and yields delicate swirling patterns in their skin, along with a thinner facial structure.
{{quote|Mediationform made for peace, it's said.<br><!--
-->Form of teaching and consolation.<br><!--
|33rd stanza of the [[Song of Listing]]{{epigraph ref|sa2|21}}}}
{{quote|Scholarform shown for patience and thought.<br><!--
-->Beware its ambitions innate.<br><!--
Scholarform produces "long hairstrands and angular features".{{book ref|sa3|i|7}}
{{quote|Artform applied for beauty and hue.<br><!--
-->One yearns for the songs it creates.<br><!--
-->These songs suffice 'til we learn.
|279th stanza of the [[Song of Revision]]{{epigraph ref|sa2|29}}}}
{{quote|Dullform dread, with the mind most lost.<br><!--
-->The lowest, and one not bright.<br><!--
-->To find this form, one needs banish cost.<br><!--
-->It finds you and brings you to blight.
|final stanza of the [[Song of Listing]]{{epigraph ref|sa2|17}}}}
Dullform is an older form which was rarely used after the discovery of the newer forms. Those in dullform are not very intelligent.
===Forms of Power===