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To stop the Fused from being reborn, Honor chose ten humans to be the [[Herald]]s, and the Heralds would imprison the Fused on [[Braize]]. The Fused tortured the Heralds until one Herald relented, which allowed the Fused to Return to Roshar. When a Herald gave in, that started a Desolation. The Desolations continued for an unknown amount of time, nearly destroying humanity many times. Eventually, at the [[Last Desolation]], all Heralds except one, [[Taln]], abandoned their [[Oathpact]] and kept the Fused at bay for the next four and a half millennia.
The singers, no longer the dominant species on Roshar, continued to fight humanity and the [[Knights Radiant]]. Around two thousand years after the Last Desolation, near the Recreance, there was the [[False Desolation]].{{book ref|sa3|56}} The [[Unmade]] [[Ba-Ado-Mishram]] Connected with the singers and provided them [[Regal|forms of power]] and [[Voidlight]], as Odium once did in the Desolations.{{epigraph ref|sa3|80}} The [[Knights Radiant]] sought to stop this threat by imprisoning Ba-Ado-Mishram. They succeeded but in doing so, stole part of singers souls, ripping out their [[Connection]] and [[Identity]].{{book ref|sa3|17}}{{epigraph ref|sa3|81}} These singers no longer had a form and were termed "slaveforms".
Some singers who threw off the Fused and freed themselves, the [[listener]]s, were spared from this event, perhaps not Connecting with Ba-Ado-Mishram. The listeners became the only singers with their minds in tact for millennia. The rest of the singers, however, were all essentially mindless, which the humans used as slave labor.