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(removed line stating that most forms are incapable of reproduction. https://wob.coppermind.net/events/100/#e3400 clearly states that while some are more inclined than others, all are capable.)
{{image|Call to Adventure - Willshaper.png|side=right|width=250px|A femalen singer}}
Singers are humanoid, but not entirely human-like. The most apparent sign of their alien nature is their skin; it's covered in marblings, swirls of various colors - red, black or white.{{book ref|sa2|i|1}} Most singers have two-colored skin; the marblings can appear in various way, both as delicate swirls and large, wind-swept patterns.{{book ref|sa3|i|7}}{{book ref|sa3|116}} There are singers whose skin has all three colors, but they are extremely rare.{{book ref|sa3|54}} Their hair areis typically orange or red -- colors that don't seem to naturally occur for Rosharan humans.{{wob ref|5782}}{{book ref|sa3|109}}
Apart from their multicolored skin, singers have other features that differentiate them from humans. Their bodies have carapace growing over some parts of them; where and how much depends on what form the singer is currently in, but they typically cover the head and the arms.{{book ref|sa3|55}} In addition, their teeth are built differently than human ones; their molars allow them to chew through shells, and their metabolism is geared towards metabolizing it, allowing them to make better use of the local fauna.{{wob ref|2778}} Their eyes are also inhuman - all black, with no whites in the corners and no visible iris.{{book ref|sa1|53}}
Like many local species, singers possess [[gemheart]]s, though theirs are clouded white, and fused to their sternum.{{book ref|sa3|i|7}} Those gemhearts allow them to bond with [[spren]], letting them change their '''forms''', leading to a change in both appearance and some mental faculty.{{book ref|sa2|i|1}}
Despite those differences, singers are like humans in many [[Spiritual Realm|Spiritual]] aspects. Like humans, they can receivesreceive boons and curses from the [[Nightwatcher]].{{wob ref|1378}} They can also bond [[spren]] to attain [[Knights Radiant|Radiant]] powers, though most spren are unwilling to reach out for such a bond.{{book ref|sa3|120}}
=== Sexes and reproduction ===
Singers possess four distinct sexes; male and female, which are capable of reproduction, and their neutered variants, '''malen''' and '''femalen'''.{{book ref|sa2|i|1}} Singers' sex will change from between male and malen, or female and femalen, as they change forms; the vast majority of forms is either malen or femalen. As such, most singers are asexual the vast majority of the time.{{wob ref|3400}}{{wob ref|3388}} Singers are usually of one of those four genders as well, though there exists a group identifying as a fifth, non-binary gender.{{wob ref|11152}}
Despite those differences, singers and humans are capable of cross-breeding, with the [[Herdazian]]s and [[Unkalaki]] being notable exampleexamples of human ethnicities with singer ancestry. Traits inherited by them include shell-chewing teeth, stone-like nails, and red hair, as well as a higher number of asexual people in their societies.{{wob ref|3922}} It's unknown whether there are currently any people with human-singer ancestry who identify as singers.
== Forms ==
By staying out in a [[highstorm]] (or the [[Everstorm]]){{book ref|sa3|I-6}} with a [[spren]], singers are capable of bonding with said spren, which has the effect of changing their forms,{{wob ref|9897}} which altersaltering their physical appearance and mental capabilities. When a singer changes forms, the spren used for the previous form is released.{{wob ref|136}} Singers can maintain their form indefinitely, without needing to resupply with a highstorm or [[Stormlight]].{{wob ref|11340}} [[Hemalurgy]] can be used to replicate the transformation of the forms.{{wob ref|3471}}
The [[listener]]s recounted many common forms in the [[Song of Listing]], which they only had access to only a small subset of. They also have songs which sung of dangerous forms of power in the [[Song of Secrets]] and the [[Song of Winds]].