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==== Magic Generation ====
When a Shard Invests a world, it will begin to fuel the local magic system. Each Shard can do this differently, though much of the system is dictated by the planet itself. Because of this connection to the magic, a Shard is able to directly interact with its users and provide the needed Investiture directl when needed.{{wob ref|6072}}
While not all magic systems in the cosmere are directly tied to a Shard, Shardic presence greatly influences the shape a magic system takes. On a [[Shardworld]], magic forms as a result of the interactions between Shard's power, [[Realmatic]]s, the world's natural inclinations and, in some places, even genetics.{{wob ref|6072}} For this reason, the exact function magic performs will not always be related to the Shard's nature -- for example, [[Surgebinding]], despite being powered by [[Honor]], is capable of manipulating [[Division]], separating things. However, how the magic is ''obtained'' is, in fact, tied to the Shard.{{wob ref|4032}} [[Hemalurgy]] demands that a person be destroyed, in line with the intent of Ruin, while Surgebinding demands forging bonds.
==== Futuresight ====
Shards can perceive the future, although it can be difficult for them. Some are better at it than others, with [[Cultivation]] and [[Preservation]] in particular being noted as particularly excelling.{{book ref|sa1|75}}{{wob ref|5309}} Like all seers, Shards utilize [[Fortune]] to see ahead; and, like all seers, they can be wrong about both what they see and how they interpret it.{{book ref|sa3|122}} Shardic power can also be utilized by others to perceive the future like they do: examples of this are [[atium]], as well as the visions of the [[Returned]].{{wob ref|4645}}
Shardic power can also be utilized by others to perceive the future like they do: examples of this are [[atium]], as well as the visions of the [[Returned]].{{wob ref|4645}}
It has been speculated that the Shard's intent is tied to its proficiency in futuresight. Preservation, as a Shard dedicated to keeping things existing, and Cultivation, a Shard dedicated to growing something in a desired form, would hold a natural interest in predicting what the future will hold. As such, they would be particularly excellent at seeing it. By contrast, a Shard like Ruin, which is interested only in destroying things, and Honor, about holding to one's oaths no matter what, would not have "seeing ahead" as part of their nature.
== Forms and Subdivisions ==
As a gas, the Shardic power can take on a number of different functions. Examples of Investiture in gaseous forms include [[Breath]], [[Stormlight]], and Preservation's mists. All can serve as fuel for magic. In both [[Awakening]] and [[Surgebinding]], gaseous Investiture is, in fact, the primary source of magic, but even in systems that use other substances, like [[Allomancy]], gaseous Investiture can serve the same purpose.{{wob ref|6072}}
=== SliverSlivers ===
A Sliver is a person who has held the power of a Shard, and then released it.{{wob ref|4540}} This "stretches" a person's [[spiritweb]], noticeably altering them. There is some grey area as to how much power one needs to have to be considered a Sliver; however, a person who directly handled Shardic power is the most straightforward example. The [[Lord Ruler]] and [[Kelsier]] would both be considered Slivers, while [[Elantrian]]s and [[Returned]] would not.{{wob ref|4499}}
=== SplinterSplinters ===
Splinter is a fragment of a Shard's power, similar to how a Shard is a fragment of Adonalsium's power. Unlike Slivers of [[Cognitive Shadow]]s, Splinters don't generally have a Physical component.{{wob ref|4541}} They often have a mind of their own, separate and distinct from that of their parent Shard.{{wob ref|10089}} They can form in two distinct ways: either by the Shard being splintered (killed), or by the Shard directly splitting off splinters of itself.{{wob ref|4129}}{{book ref|sa3|108}}
Splinters can be comprised of the InvetitureInvestiture of one or more Shards.{{wob ref|6454}} Examples of splinters include the divine [[Breath]] of the [[Returned]],{{wob ref|4486}} [[Aon]]s within [[seon]]s, and [[spren]].{{wob ref|3017}}
== Relationship with Magic Systems ==
| The powers of Ruin and Preservation are Shards of Adonalsium, pieces of the power of creation itself. Allomancy, Hemalurgy, Feruchemy are manifestations of this power in mortal form, the ability to touch the powers of creation and use them. These metallic powers are how people's physical forms interpret the use of the Shard, though it's not the only possible way they could be interpreted or used. It's what the genetics and Realmatic interactions of Scadrial allow for, and has to do with the Spiritual, the Cognitive, and the Physical Realms.
| [[Brandon]]{{wob ref|6072}}
All magic systems that are currently known are related to Shards. [[Allomancy]] is of Preservation, [[Hemalurgy]] is of Ruin, and [[Feruchemy]] is the balance between the two Shards. [[AonDor]] is of [[Devotion]] and [[Dominion]]. [[Awakening]] is of [[Endowment]]. [[Surgebinding]] is of [[Honor]] and [[Cultivation]]. The only magic that may not be related to a Shard are [[Hoid]]'s ability to move from planet to planet, but the mechanics of his powers are not clear.
The types of magics that exist on a world depends on which Shards are present. If Endowment were to move to Scadrial, additional combinations of magics may form.{{wob ref|5535}}{{wob ref|3005}} However, Shards did not ''create'' magic systems. Ruin and Preservation did not create the Metallic Arts.{{wob ref|5269}} Rather, magic is a natural function of the world, a Shard's intent, [[Realmatic]] interactions, and sometimes genetics.{{wob ref|6072}}
Though magics are related to a Shard, that does not mean that the effect of a magic is in line with a Shard's intent. For example, Allomancy does things like Pushing and Pulling that don't bring to mind "Preserving" things. Rather, a Shard's intent determines ''how'' the magic is obtained, not its effect.{{wob ref|4032}} In Hemalurgy, the method of gaining magic is spiking and it is inherently destruction, but the ''effect'' of the magic actually enhances something else. (This is the more exact, confirmed statement of [[17s-topic:369|the Principle of Intent]] theory).
Magic systems have a [[focus]]. Metals are the focus for the Metallic Arts, Aons are the focus for AonDor, and the Commands are the focus for Awakening.{{annotation ref|wb|chapter=21}} The focus seems to be related to Shards themselves, as Ruin and Preservation could not perceive metal. It is not known what determines a focus for a given Shard, or if all Shards are blind to their focus in some way.
== Theories and Speculation ==
=== Shardic Future Sight ===
A remarkably simple theory explains why some Shards are better at seeing into the future than others. Cultivation is better at seeing into the future than Honor, and when compared to Preservation, Ruin was remarkably bad at seeing into the future. (After all, if Ruin figured out the Terris Prophecies, he could have simply killed Vin after the events of [[The Well of Ascension]], thus defeating Preservation's plot for a new Vessel and ultimately gaining victory.)
The idea is simple: a Shard's ability to see into the future is determined by the Shard's intent.{{wob ref|2713}} Ruin is intent that has an immediate effect--Ruin wants to destroy ''now'', not later. Since Ruin is preoccupied with the present, he is particularly bad at seeing into the future. Preservation, on the other hand, is about protection. Protection is a long term thing, so Preservation is more looking into the future, so he is good at seeing into the future. It’s probably for similar reasons why Cultivation is skilled at seeing into the future.
There was significant debate whether Odium could see into the future. People agreed that Odium is more proficient than Ruin at the very least, because having hatred for something would mean that Odium would stop at nothing to exact his goals, even if he had to wait an extremely long period of time. However, Odium is probably not as good as Cultivation or Preservation in this regard, but this still means Odium is much more dangerous than Ruin.
== See Also ==
