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(Replaced Shardpool with Perpendicularity)
|shards=[[Preservation]], [[Ruin]], [[Harmony]]*
|shardpoolperpendicularity=[[Well of Ascension]], [[Pits of Hathsin]]
|magic=[[Metallic Arts]]
|system=[[Scadrian System]]{{map ref|Scadrian system}}
===The Ascension of the Lord Ruler ===
However, Alendi had still failed to stop the Deepness, and there was only one hope, the Well of Ascension. As the power returned to the Well, Alendi could hear the pulses because he was a Seeker. He hoped that giving up the power would stop the Deepness. Kwaan knew that Alendi mustn't be allowed to reach the Well, for he knew that giving up the power was just what Ruin wanted. Kwaan's only hope to stop Alendi was his nephew Rashek, a Feruchemist who hated Alendi, and the nation of Khlennium from which he hailed. The reason for Rashek's hatred was because he believed that the Terrismen should be dominant because of their Feruchemical abilities. Also, as just a poor herder, he was also jealous of the Khlenni sophistication and culture. Kwaan commanded his nephew to become Alendi's pack man, and to attempt to mislead on his way to the Well. If Rashek failed at that, Kwaan asked him to kill Alendi. The last remnant of Leras' mind was also doing its best to stop Alendi. In the form of the mist spirit, it followed Alendi, knifing his companion Fedik when he became too interested in Ruin's ShardpoolPerpendicularity, the Black Lake, which the party encountered on their journey to the Well. Ultimately, Rashek failed to lead Alendi astray and killed him. At that point, Rashek himself took the power at the Well of Ascension and refused to give it up, denying Ruin his chance at freedom.
While holding the power, Rashek's mind was expanded, but he wasn't accustomed to such great power and had no experience with using it. Rashek attempted to destroy the Deepness by moving Scadrial closer to its star, in order to burn away the mists. Unfortunately Scadrial's new location was too hot for life, so Rashek moved it further away from its parent star, which left the planet too cold. Rashek then moved it closer to the star again, but it was still too hot. Having no point of reference for where the planet should go, Rashek elected to leave it too close to the star. He began working retroactively to fix problems he had created himself, because the intent of Preservation, whose power made up the Well, was affecting him. To counter the increased heat, he made the Ashmounts, volcanoes which pumped gas and ferromagnetic ash into the air. These shaded the land near the north pole, which was one of two relatively cool places remaining on Scadrial, the other being the south pole. Gas from the Ashmounts also made the atmosphere thicker, which raised temperatures in the rest of the world, turning it even hotter. This resulted in a massive desert called the Burnlands covering most of the planet. Rashek realized that the ash from the Ashmounts would eventually bury the whole land. He thus created plants and microbes that broke down the ash. When Rashek altered the humans of the north pole to make them able to survive in a world so full of ash, he worried that the changes he made to their physiology would kill them. He left some of the humans on Scadrial unaltered, as a control, and moved them to the relatively cool area near the south pole. He gave them an unknown method to survive there. Rashek also wished to disguise the location of the Well, so he flattened the Terris mountains, moved them south from the pole, and raised new mountains in the north to disguise what had happened.
Scadrial is home to two Shards, [[Ruin]], and [[Preservation]]. The physical forms of Preservation could be found in the beads of [[Lerasium]], and the white mists. Ruin's physical forms were the beads of [[atium]], which formed in crystals in the [[Pits of Hathsin]] and the black mists.{{qa ref|727|31|The other lake in Alendi's bumps?|date=2008-10-16}}
Prior to [[Sazed]]'s ascension both Shards had [[shardpoolPerpendicularity|Perpendicularities]]s, though it is unclear if they were changed or removed by Sazed. Preservation's shardpoolPerpendicularity was the Well of Ascension, previously located at the north pole of Scadrial, but moved to under [[Kredik Shaw]] in [[Luthadel]]. Ruin's shardpoolPerpendicularity is the black lake, beneath the Pits of Hathsin.{{qa ref|691|15|Does Ruin have a pool?|date=2010-05}}
After Sazed took the power of both shard the powers "intermingled" becoming [[Harmony]].{{qa ref|979|174|Would Sazed drop Ruin and Preservation or Harmony?|date=Apr 15th, 2013}} Harmony is referred to as a shard, despite it being made of two shards, for the same reason that a king of two countries is still a king.{{qa ref|642|10|Is Harmony two shards or one?|date=Nov 21st, 2011}}