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=== Fauna ===
Rosharan fauna have adapted to their unique environment in a number of interesting ways. There are crustaceans (ranging from tiny crabs to lumbering chulls) and molluscs that retreat into their shells during the highstorms. Others have dens or pupate. There are also creatures, like the warm-blooded [[sarpenthyn]], that vaguely resemble a tentacled mollusc with no shell and can ooze into the cracks between rocks.
Chulls are very important crustaceans in Roshar. They are herded like cattle, but pull large carts like oxen would.
On the other hand, there are insects and amphibians that like the rain and spin cocoons that dissolve in water. One notable example are [[lurg]]s, which coat the inside of their cocoon with a mucus as they spin it so that it is water tight and keeps them from drying out between storms.