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'''Rlain''' (nicknamed '''Shen''') is a [[listener]] and member of [[Bridge Four]].{{book ref|sa1|46}}
|Did they know what it was like to be of an entirely different species? A species they were currently at war with—a species whose people had all been either murdered or corrupted?
|Rlain reflecting on the loneliness of his situation{{book ref|sa3|55}}}}
'''Rlain''' is a [[listener]] and member of [[Bridge Four]].{{book ref|sa1|46}} He is sent by the listeners to the [[warcamp]]s to spy on the [[Alethi]] and is given the name '''Shen''' while running bridges with Bridge Four. He reveals himself after discovering that [[Eshonai]] and the other listeners have transformed into [[stormform]] and later takes a place as a soldier in Bridge Four in its new incarnation as a military unit.
== Appearance and Personality ==
Rlain has the marbled skin that is characteristic of [[singer]]s; his skin is red and black.{{book ref|sa3|14}} While in [[dullform]], Rlain looks very much like singers in [[slaveform]] ("parshmen"): his face is round and plump, and the parts of his body are generally thicker and stouter than those of humans. He is a little taller than parshmen generally are, but not conspicuously so, and still short by [[Alethi]] standards.{{book ref|sa1|46}} After Bridge Four is given its freedom by [[Dalinar]], Rlain gets the glyph for Bridge Four and freedom tattooed on his forehead along with the rest of the crew.{{book ref|sa2|2}}
Rlain, as Shen in Dullform, has the classic Parshendi skin of red and black marbled patterns. He looks like many of the other parshmen.
He had the Bridge 4 / freedom tattoo placed upon his forehead.{{book ref|sa2|2}}
Rlain in Warform has an orange-red skullplate and armored carapace at the chest, thighs, and outer arms. He remained as tall as an Alethi but more muscular in body type. Rlain’s Bridge Four tattoo remained on his forehead, but now it blends into his skullplate.{{book ref|sa2|79}}
Due to the effects of dullform, he is naturally inclined to not speak or act on his own initiative very much, and he likely emphasizes that even more in order to better imitate a parshman. Despite that, he gradually becomes more open with Bridge Four{{book ref|sa2|5}} and eventually even gathers the courage to ask [[Kaladin]] why he isn't allowed to have a spear.{{book ref|sa2|22}}
Shen remains quiet for much of Way of Kings.
He asks "Am I really Bridge Four?" and "Where is my spear?" of Kaladin. He states "A slave I am, then" after Kaladin says the Lighteyes would object to a parshmen with a spear.{{book ref|sa2|22}} This shows more intelligence than the parshmen display.
He shows flashes of pride after being granted a spear and apologizes to Kaladin when he leaves.
Later when he returns to the Alethi, he is mournful of the loss of his people. {{book ref|sa2|79}}
In [[warform]], he becomes as tall as and more muscular than an Alethi, and also gains an orange-red skullplate and armored carapace growing out of his body. The Bridge Four tattoo remains visible on his forehead, blending into his skullplate. He becomes able to think with normal intelligence and displays a very soldierly attitude toward Dalinar{{book ref|sa2|79}} and more active attempts to fit in with the other members of Bridge Four.{{book ref|sa3|55}}
After the [[Battle of Narak]], Rlain appears in [[Warform]] and is in a melancholy mood brought upon by his people's part in the [[Everstorm]] and his place in Bridge Four.{{book ref|sa3|55}}
<gallery caption="Images of Rlain">
Rlain Portrait by Marie Seeberger.jpg | <center>Rlain in warform<br><small>by {{a|Marie Seeberger}}</small></center> In warform
Dullform by Marie Seeberger.jpg | <center>Rlain in dullform<br><small>by {{a|Marie Seeberger}}</small></center> In dullform
Shen the Parshman.jpg | <center><small>by [http://www.17thshard.com/forum/user/6913-ktep/ ktep]</small></center>
Rlain Shuravf.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|Shuravf}}</small></center>
Rlain by Ralf Melevo.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|Ralf Melevo}}</small></center>
== Attributes and Abilities ==
{{for|Singer#Forms|more information|Singer}}
As a singer, Rlain can take on different physical forms by bonding with certain [[spren]]. He uses dullform for a time, which hampers his physical and mental abilities but allows him to hide among parshmen to infiltrate the Alethi [[warcamp]]s; he later changes to warform, gaining the ability to think normally, a much stronger body, and natural skill in combat.{{book ref|sa3|55}} While in warform, he works with Bridge Four, further honing his abilities as a soldier.{{book ref|sa3|46}}
== History ==
About four years before the Everstorm he was tasked with becoming dullform to disguise himself as a [[parshmen|parshman]] and infiltrate the warcamps. He traveled between warcamps for three years{{book ref|sa2|79}} before becoming part of [[Bridge Four]].{{book ref|sa1|46}}
=== Joining Bridge Four ({{Rosharan date|1170}}–{{Rosharan date|1173}}) ===
Rlain is placed in Bridge Four as an experiment by [[Hashal]] to see if parshmen could be trusted to run bridges. The members of Kaladin's crew violently distrusted the parshman, wanting to place him up at the front of the bridge to be hit with an arrow instead of a human bridgeman, but Kaladin refused, giving the parshman the name "Shen" and insisting that he was to be treated as a member of the crew.{{book ref|sa1|46}}. Upon entering Bridge Four, Rlain helped [[Lopen]] carry the waterskins during the bridge runs. Rlain was upset by the crew's scavenging from dead Parshendi, and even more upset when Kaladin used Parshendi carapace as armor during a bridge run, to the point where he ended up being left behind on subsequent runs. He was retrieved from [[Shattered Plains|Sadeas warcamp]] and brought with the rest of the bridgemen to [[Shattered Plains|Kholin warcamp]] following Sadeas's betrayal and Bridge Four's rescue of Dalinar.
|No. Shen is one of ''us'' now. I don't care what he was before. I don't care what any of you were. We're Bridge Four. So is he.
|Kaladin accepting Rlain (as Shen) into Bridge Four{{book ref|sa1|46}}
The listeners tasked Rlain with using dullform to infiltrate the warcamps; since humans have a hard time distinguishing dullform and slaveform, he could pass as a [[parshman]] among them. He spent about three years in the warcamps before joining Bridge Four.{{book ref|sa2|79}}
Rlain was placed in Bridge Four as an experiment by [[Hashal]] to see if parshmen could be trusted to run bridges, since human bridgemen were becoming difficult to find. Most members of Bridge Four violently distrusted Rlain, suspecting that he would refuse to run against the Parshendi or even turn on the other bridgemen. However, Kaladin insisted that Rlain was to be treated fairly and would not be used to soak up arrows in place of the human members. He gave Rlain the name "Shen", since Rlain, playing the part of a parshman, didn't speak to give his name. The other bridgemen went along with Kaladin, but continued to be suspicious of the parshman among them; [[Teft]] in particular was inclined to worry about Rlain's loyalties.{{book ref|sa1|46}}
=== Bridge Four ({{Rosharan date|1173}}) ===
Rlain's addition to Bridge Four occurred in the middle of their secret plan to train in spear fighting and escape from the warcamps. Even Kaladin, despite his relative acceptance of Rlain, didn't feel comfortable giving him a spear. Instead, he assigned Rlain and the others who weren't training ([[Rock]], [[Lopen]], and [[Dabbid]]) to scavenge through the chasms while the everyone else trained.{{book ref|sa1|49}}
Rlain went on bridge runs and chasm duty several times without any issues, just as Kaladin had expected,{{book ref|sa1|53}} but Teft, and likely much of the crew, continued to distrust him. During one time on chasm duty, Rlain's forceful reaction to scavenging from listener corpses inspired Kaladin to use carapace as armor to distract the listener armies.{{book ref|sa1|55}}{{book ref|sa1|59}} When Kaladin put his plan into action, Rlain became distraught to the point that he had to be left behind on subsequent runs.{{book ref|sa1|62}}{{book ref|sa1|63}}{{book ref|sa1|67}}
After the [[Battle of the Tower]], Rlain went with the rest of the bridgemen from [[Torol Sadeas|Sadeas]]'s warcamp to Dalinar's.{{book ref|sa1|73}} By that time, he was relatively accepted by the rest of Bridge Four. When they went to get tattoos as a group in celebration of their new freedom and Rlain sat down in front of the tattoo artist, she refused to work on him, saying he was property, but many of the other bridgemen -- even Teft -- jumped in to defend his status as part of the squad.{{book ref|sa2|2}} Around that time, and perhaps as a result of that incident, he started feeling more comfortable with the rest of the bridge crew and didn't tend to hide in the back of the group as much as he had before.{{book ref|sa2|5}}
|I think that I am not Bridge Four. I am Bridge Four's slave.
|Rlain confronting Kaladin about not receiving a spear
Kaladin still didn't want to arm a parshman, however, and instead ordered Rlain to be an assistant to Lopen and Rock, helping with the supplies and cooking, as well as other miscellaneous tasks.{{book ref|sa2|5}}{{book ref|sa2|16}}{{book ref|sa2|18}}{{book ref|sa2|41}} Eventually, Rlain asked Kaladin why he had not been given a spear like the other former bridgemen, forcing Kaladin to confront the fact that Rlain, as much as everyone might say he was part of the crew, had never really had the same status as its human members and was practically still a slave.{{book ref|sa2|22}} After a few weeks, Kaladin decided that he trusted Rlain and asked Dalinar for permission to arm him; Dalinar allowed it out of curiosity.{{book ref|sa2|46}}{{book ref|sa2|50}}
Rlain was part of [[Adolin]]'s guard during the meeting with [[Eshonai]], Rlain's former commander,{{book ref|sa2|79}} out on the [[Shattered Plains]]. He noticed that something had gone very wrong with Eshonai -- she had changed into [[stormform]] -- and he left the warcamps that very night to investigate the listeners. On his way out, he notified Kaladin that he was leaving and revealed his true name for the first time.{{book ref|sa2|52}}
=== The Battle of Narak ({{Rosharan date|1173}}) ===
|I have reason to believe that everyone I know . . . everyone I loved . . . has been destroyed, monsters left in their place. The listeners, the Parshendi, may be no more. I have nothing left . . .
|Rlain regarding the lost listeners{{book ref|sa2|79}}
Rlain went to [[Narak]] and observed the stormform army that had been made out of the listener population.{{book ref|sa2|79}} He left them again, realizing that the change in Eshonai had corrupted his people and effectively killed everyone he knew. He made his way back to the Alethi shortly before the [[Battle of Narak]], a few weeks after his departure, having gained warform at some point during his trip. His appearance led to a tense standoff with the Alethi troops, but several members of Bridge Four recognized him and he was peacefully taken into custody.{{book ref|sa2|78}}
Dalinar questioned Rlain, wanting to find out more about his infiltration of the warcamps and the future plans of the listener army. Although Rlain didn't know anything about the army's specific plans, he described his fears around stormform and the return of the [[Fused]] and agreed to help lead the army to Narak as quickly as possible for the sake of any remaining listeners. He was nearly overcome with grief at thoughts of the lost listeners, but was strengthened by firm orders from Dalinar and affirmations of acceptance from Rock and [[Skar]].{{book ref|sa2|79}}
Leading up to the battle, he worked with [[Shallan]] to draw maps and plan a route to Narak across the plateaus.{{book ref|sa2|80}} Once the battle began and the stormform listeners started singing to summon the [[Everstorm]], he recognized the dangerous tone of the song, though he wasn't sure about its exact purpose, and urged Dalinar to prevent it from being completed at all costs. He continued to advise Dalinar about the song and the battle, though he was kept under guard and did not participate in the fighting.{{book ref|sa2|81}} After Shallan activated the [[Oathgate]] to transfer the army to [[Urithiru]], Rlain was among the bridgemen who returned to the Shattered Plains and encountered Kaladin after his fight against [[Szeth]].{{book ref|sa2|87}}
=== Urithiru ({{Rosharan date|1174}}) ===
|They often seemed surprised to find him there, as if they'd forgotten he was around. But when Teft did notice him, the man's smile was genuine. They were his friends.
|Rlain on his place in Bridge Four{{book ref|sa3|55}}
Rlain stayed with Bridge Four as they moved into Urithiru along with much of the Alethi army. He continued training and working with them, but noticed the gulf between him and the humans around him more and more. When he was on duty and guarding Dalinar, other [[Kholin princedom|Kholin]] soldiers would view him with active suspicion;{{book ref|sa3|9}} Bridge Four was more welcoming, of course, but even they would often forget his presence and effectively ignore him, despite his very prominent warform stature. They also showed in many ways that they did truly consider him a friend when they thought about him, but the differences between them were prominent and difficult for him to accept.{{book ref|sa3|37}}{{book ref|sa3|46}} Things were made worse when he turned out to be unable to take in [[Stormlight]]; he was not given encouragement, unlike the humans with the same problem, and became envious of those who had been associated with Bridge Four for a much shorter time but were able to succeed and fit in with the group.{{book ref|sa3|55}}
Alongside those external problems, he had to continue dealing with his grief over the destruction of the listeners. After the casualties from the [[War of Reckoning]] and the mass transformation into stormform, he was the last of the listeners, as far as he knew, which weighed heavily on him.{{book ref|sa3|55}}
After one particularly difficult day, Kaladin started a conversation with Rlain in which he finally made an attempt to truly understand his feelings about everything going on, and Rlain resolved to help him by explaining.{{book ref|sa3|55}}
== Relationships ==
=== Kaladin ===
|Kaladin was a good man. For all his faults, he tried even more than the rest of them.
|Rlain appreciating Kaladin's open-mindedness{{book ref|sa3|55}}
Kaladin is Rlain's bridgeleader within Bridge Four, and Rlain continues to serve under him after the bridge crews move under the Kholin princedom and transform into a military unit. Kaladin is the first to accept a parshman into the crew and continues to stick up for Rlain's rights as a member of Bridge Four afterward, apart from being initially reluctant to arm him with a spear.{{book ref|sa1|46}} Rlain is disappointed by that, but Kaladin later overcomes his fears and presents a spear to Rlain; Rlain often describes him as a good man from then on.{{book ref|sa2|46}}{{book ref|sa2|52}}{{book ref|sa3|55}} Even the horror that Rlain feels early on when Kaladin uses carapace armor from listener corpses in battle{{book ref|sa1|62}} is not enough to overcome his gratitude for everything else. In Urithiru, when Rlain is feeling the pain of being different from everyone around him, Kaladin is the only one to step up and really try to understand what he is going through.{{book ref|sa3|55}}
=== Bridge Four ===
|How could Rlain be so fond of these men, yet at the same time want to slap them?
|Rlain on Bridge Four{{book ref|sa3|55}}
After an initial period of suspicion, Rlain comes to be more or less accepted as a member of Bridge Four: they get used to working with him and insist that he has the right to get a Bridge Four tattoo with the rest of them, for example.{{book ref|sa2|2}} However, even well after that point, he is treated distinctly differently from its human members, due to biases they can't shake.
When only he, Skar, and Dabbid are unable to draw in Stormlight after weeks of practice, the other bridgemen encourage Skar to keep trying, but say nothing to Rlain, perhaps fearing that use of Stormlight will cause him to become a monster despite his explanations that he would have to ''voluntarily'' choose to do so. He also has to deal with others conflating him with the Fused and assuming that he can understand their motivations.{{book ref|sa3|55}}
Rlain desperately wants those around him to understand that he has nothing in common with the Fused or [[Voidbringers]], and that they are practically a different species. Despite feeling invisible and something of an outsider to Bridge Four, he still views its members as his family and understands that they mean well. Renarin, thanks to his own experience with being ostracized, is particularly sensitive to Rlain's situation, and makes a special point of talking to him frequently, at least once Rock points out how Rlain might be feeling.{{book ref|sa3|55}}
Not wanting to arm a parshman, Kaladin orders Rlain to be an assistant to Rock, helping with the supplies and cooking. Rlain confronted Kaladin over not being given a spear like the other former bridgemen{{book ref|sa2|22}}, and was given one after Dalinar permitted it as an experiment.{{book ref|sa2|46}} Rlain accompanied [[Adolin]] when he met with [[Eshonai]] to try to arrange a truce, and later that day, he left the warcamps to rejoin the Parshendi. Rlain went back to [[Narak]] and gained warform. He eventually defected from the Parshendi, realizing that the change in [[Eshonai]] had corrupted his people. Bridge Four accepted him back, and he helped in the strategy of attacking the Stormform Parshendi.{{book ref|sa2|81}}
=== Dalinar ===
During a training session of the Bridge Four [[Windrunner]] squires, Rlain is struggling with the facts of losing his people and trying to be a member of Bridge Four. After his people summoned the [[Everstorm]], Rlain believes that he might possibly be the last Listener left, thinking that his people were totally destroyed by [[Alethi]] blades and the Everstorm during the the Battle of Narak. He thinks on the times in [[Dullform]] when he could barely listen to the Rhythms, and though his people are lost, enjoys being in Warform and attuning to the Rhythms once again. Rlain loves his fellow members of Bridge Four but is aware of the fact that he is an oddity, even among them. He passively resents the fact that he doesn't truly belong anywhere, not among the ranks of the Fused and not among Bridge Four. He is also irritated that none of his brothers in Bridge Four console him for not being able to draw in [[Stormlight]] and thus becoming a true squire of the Windrunners. He does question if that is childish of him to feel that way. He tries to not grow jealous or resentful of his place in Bridge Four. When asked by [[Eth]] of Bridge Four if he can give information on the going-on's of the [[Fused]], he tries to explain to them that the Fused are his enemy as they are theirs, more so even. He tells them that he can not tell them what the Fused will do and that he and his people spent their entire lives trying to avoid thinking of their ancient gods. {{book ref|sa3|55}}
|Amazingly, he seemed to want to obey—as if he needed something to lend him strength.
|Dalinar on Rlain after his return to the Alethi{{book ref|sa2|79}}}}
Dalinar and Rlain don't have a close personal relationship, but Dalinar is the one who makes the choice to allow Rlain to be armed{{book ref|sa2|46}} and Rlain considers Dalinar to be his military commander, since he sees himself very much as part of Bridge Four and, by extension, the Kholin army. When Rlain returns to the Alethi and surrenders himself to Dalinar, he demonstrates full obedience to him and even finds strength in following his orders.{{book ref|sa2|79}} In turn, Dalinar, though he remains wary of Rlain and keeps him under guard for some time, vows to help the listeners as much as possible and follows Rlain's advice during the Battle of Narak.{{book ref|sa2|79}}{{book ref|sa2|80}}{{book ref|sa2|81}} Afterward, Rlain is allowed to move around normally in Urithiru on his duties with Bridge Four, which include guarding Dalinar.{{book ref|sa3|9}}
Rlain desperately wants his friends to understand that he has nothing in common with the Fused or [[Voidbringers]]; he wants them to know that they are practically a different species. Despite feeling invisible and somewhat of an outsider to Bridge Four, he still views its members as his family. Rlain feels a special kinship with [[Renarin Kholin]], who always makes it a point to speak with him.{{book ref|sa3|55}}
== Trivia ==
At the end of of the training session Kaladin notices Rlain and tells him to take the rest of the day off. Rlain asks [[Kaladin]] if he truly means it when he asks how he is feeling. Kaladin says that he does, so Rlain tells him that he will try. It is assumed after this encounter that Rlain tells Kaladin about his feelings toward the destruction of his people, his place in Bridge Four, and his thoughts on his gods coming back.{{book ref|sa3|55}} 
* Rlain is entirely absent from the second half of ''[[Oathbringer]]'', which may appear to be an error but is in fact intentional and significant.{{wob ref|8981}}
== Notes ==
rlain: sa2 52, 79, 80, 81, 83, 87, sa3 9, 14, 17, 37, 43, 46, 55
[[Category: Viewpoint characters]]
