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Stormform is the first form of power to be rediscovered in the present times, as the [[listener]]s sought to find a way to defeat the human invaders.{{book ref|sa2|i|1}} The form has little armor; rather, the singer's skin is covered in rows of protective ridges that poke out through the skin, which stretches tightly in some places. It causes the wearer to become more aggressive, callous, and filled with a sense of superiority over others.{{book ref|sa2|i|8}} In Eshonai's case, it seemed to have a greater effect, similar to the effect of [[Hemalurgic]] spikes. {{wob ref|1047}}
Despite looking comparatively lithe, a stormform Regal is in fact significantly stronger than a warform singer, being able to leap across the chasms of the [[Shattered Plains]] without a running start.{{book ref|sa2|i|8}} Moreover, the form allows a singer to create red lightning in their hands and shoot it at a considerable distance, though with little control. With some focus, the form also allows for control over wind; a group of stormform singers working in unison is capable of calling forth the [[Everstorm]].{{book ref|sa2|i|11}}
