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By Compounding steel, tin, and pewter, he possesses unparalleled speed, strength and enhanced senses. He can influence the emotions of over ten thousand people with zinc and brass and can Soothe individuals with enough force to induce an effect similar to depression.{{book ref|mb1|14}}{{book ref|mb1|26}} His power allows him to easily pierce copperclouds and to Push and Pull on metal in human bodies.{{book ref|mb1|38}} He can further increase the power of his ironpulling and steelpushing by increasing his weight with his ironminds. He also has a flawless memory, likely either inherited from his uncle, Kwaan, or a result of Compounding copper.{{book ref|mb1|6}}{{wob ref|2303}} He can detect that a person is lying with his Allomantic senses.{{book ref|mb1|36}}
By Compounding Feruchemical gold and Feruchemical atium, Rashek effectively made himself immortal.{{book ref|mb1|epilogue}} However, as he aged, he required more and more stored youth to keep himself alive, andoften hekeeping himself in a weakened state within a hut inside his palace to recharge his bands. He would have eventually had to resort to other means to retain his immortality.{{wob ref|5504}} He can heal quickly and cannot be killed by conventional means while using his stored health making him difficult to kill; as a result he has survived decapitation, burnings, dismemberment, and flaying.{{book ref|mb1|15}} As a result of his age and experience, it is nearly impossible to deceive him.{{wob ref|2465}}
Rashek has musical abilities and plays the flute.{{wob ref|3606}}