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(Created page with "{{culture |world= Roshar |books= The Stormlight Archive }} The '''Polestones''' are the ten varieties of gemstone that naturally hold Stormlight. Some polestones are...")
Some polestones are the same type of crystal but with different color and chemical signatures. Sapphire and Ruby are both types of corundum. Smokestone and Amethyst are both types of quartz. Emerald and Heliodor are both types of beryl. Much like how [[iron]] and [[steel]] are different metals in the [[Metallic Arts]], the exact color and chemical signatures are the determining factor. As a result an off-color polestone acts much like an impure alloy in [[Allomancy]].{{qa ref|979|97|What is the dividing line between gemstones?}}
Although the type of polestone Stormlight is stored in is irrelevant for most [[Surgebinding]], polestones do have an important impact on Soulcasting. Namely they determine what objects can be Soulcast into.{{qa ref|985|4|Why Can Kaladin Surgebind with any gem type but Jasnah and Shallan need specific types?}}
==Ten Polestones==