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The '''Polestones''' are the ten varieties of gemstone that naturally hold [[StormlightLight]]. They also serve as the basis of [[spheres]], the basic Rosharan money system.{{book ref|sa1|3}} In addition to the ability to hold Stormlight, Polestones are able to trap [[spren]]. The type of spren that can be trapped depends on the Polestone used and its cut. This quality serves as the basis for [[fabrial]]s.{{ref|name=Navani1}} Each Polestone is associated with one of the [[Ten Essences]] and with an Order of [[Knights Radiant]].{{book ref|sa1|part=ars}} However, there appears to be no functional difference between Polestones apart from [[Soulcasting]] and fabrial creation.
== Attributes ==
=== Composition ===
Some Polestones are the same type of crystal but with different color and chemical signatures. Sapphire and ruby are both types of corundum. Smokestone and amethyst are both types of quartz. Emerald and heliodor are both types of beryl. Much like how [[iron]] and [[steel]], despite being very similar chemically, are different metals in the [[Metallic Arts]], the exact color and chemical signatures are enough to differentiate the Polestones. As a result, an off-color Polestone acts much like an impure alloy in [[Allomancy]].{{wob ref|4080}} If a Polestone was drained of its color by an [[Awakener]], it would still hold Stormlight but would have the properties of a dusty or cloudy quartz.{{wob ref|3203}}{{wob ref|295}} If a spren was trapped inside, they would be released.{{wob ref|292}}
If sung to, while holding Light, Polestones will break.{{book ref|sa4|86}}
=== Light and Surgebinding ===
All Lights can be stored in gems. How long a given quantity of Light will remain in a specific gem depends on the type of Light and the quality of the gem.{{book ref|sa4|16}} The rate at which a Light leaks from gemstones is not constant either - it appears slow at first, but accelerates rapidly near the end, making gems that begin to dim, dim ''fast.''{{book ref|sa4|32}} Regardless of the type of Light, perfect gems are said to be able to hold it indefinitely, but they are extremely rare.{{book ref|sa4|13}}
Although the type of Polestone Stormlight is stored in is irrelevant for most [[Surgebinding]], Polestones do have an important impact on Soulcasting. Namely, they determine what kind of substances a Soulcaster can transmute objects into.{{wob ref|2784}} It is believed to be impossible to create Polestones via Soulcasting.{{book ref|sa1|33}}
=== Spren ===
In addition to the ability to hold Stormlight, Polestones are able to trap [[spren]]. The type of spren that can be trapped depends on the Polestone used and its cut. This quality serves as the basis for [[fabrial]]s.{{ref|name=Navani1}} Each Polestone is associated with one of the [[Ten Essences]] and with an Order of [[Knights Radiant]].{{book ref|sa1|part=ars}} However, there appears to be no functional difference between Polestones apart from [[Soulcasting]] and fabrial creation.
If a Polestone is set in the pommel of a deceased [[Shardblade]] it allows the blade to be bonded, whereby it can be summoned and dismissed.{{book ref|sa2|67}} Synthetic versions of the Polestones could also be used in fabrials.{{wob ref|2702}}
'''Perfect gemstones''' occur when one of the Polestones forms without any flaws or imperfections which allows them to hold light indefinitely.{{book ref|sa3|i|13}} The money exchangers living in major cities of [[Shadesmar]] use perfect stones to store the Stormlight they use for currency.{{book ref|sa3|99}} The [[King's Drop]] is a perfect gemstone that has been held in the [[Thaylen Gemstone Reserve]] for over two hundred years without being renewed or losing Stormlight.{{book ref|sa3|i|13}} In addition to not leaking, a perfect gemstone can hold far more Stormlight than a normal gemstone of the same size could.{{book ref|sa4|87}} The [[Elsecallers]] were tasked with protecting perfect gems, including a ruby named [[Honor's Drop]].{{epigraph ref|sa3|83}} The [[honorspren]] have gathered many perfect gemstones in their stronghold [[Lasting Integrity]].{{book ref|sa4|87}} [[Jasnah Kholin]] believes that there are far fewer perfect gemstones around in the Physical Realm than there should be, suggesting that someone may have been gathering them up before their value was more widely known;{{book ref|sa4|29}} possibly the [[Ghostbloods]] as they are experimenting with transporting Stormlight off-world.{{book ref|sa4|13}}
Perfect gemstones have the capacity to hold [[Cognitive Shadow]]s in addition to spren, the latter of which they have a far larger capacity than normal gemstones--they can hold [[Herald]]s, the [[Unmade]], and even [[Fused]].{{book ref|sa3|120}}{{book ref|sa3|121}}{{citebook ref|that one chapter in RoW where Raboniel arrivessa4|14}} They could also capture some of the [[Dor]] or the sunlight from [[Taldain]].{{wob ref|15297}}
== Transfer ==
It is possible to transfer light from filled, small gemstone to a large and empty gemstone of its type by holding the filled gemstone to the empty one.{{book ref|sa4|42}} This method of transfer is slow and inefficient, however the [[Thaylen|Thaylens]] discovered an efficient way of transferring Stormlight from one gemstone to another.{{book ref|sa4|42}} By using a tuning fork of a specific frequency, a person can touch an infused gemstone and then touch the fork to the empty gemstone for a rapid mode of transfer. With the Thaylen method, the type of Polestone does not matter, and light can be transferred from any type to any type.{{book ref|sa4|42}} It is unknown how far the tuning fork can be brought before transfer is impossible, or the decay rate.{{book ref|sa4|42}}
Surgebinders are also able to infuse Polestones regardless of the type.{{book ref|sa4|49}}
== Roshar Economy ==
