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|profession=Airship enginemaster
|ethnicity=Southern Scadrian
|books=[[Mistborn Era 2]]
'''Petrine''' is a [[Southern Scadrian]] crewmember of the ''[[Brunstell]]''.{{book ref|bom|29}}
==Appearance and Personality==
She is the enginemaster of [[Jordis]]' ship, the ''[[Brunstell]]'', and is the eldest member of the crew, being over sixty years old.
Petrine is in her sixties and has wrinkled skin. Because she is [[Malwish]], she wears a mask that obscures her face, and presumably changes her mask on occasion.{{book ref|bom|22}}{{book ref|bom|29}} She is tough and courageous.{{book ref|bom|29}}
Jordis is surprised that she has survived so long in the cold, given her age. But she still recommends resisting their captors, and helps them fight when [[Allik]] gives them warmth medallions and guns.
Petrine was a crew member of the Malwish airship ''[[Brunstell]]'' captained by [[Jordis]]. She served as the enginemaster of the ship and was the eldest member of the crew.{{book ref|bom|29}} She was on the ''Brunstell'' during its expedition to the mountains near the [[Elendel Basin]] seeking the [[Bands of Mourning]] and the lost temple of the [[Sovereign]].{{book ref|bom|21}} After the ship crashed in [[Dulsing]], the crew and their ship were captured by the [[Set]].{{book ref|bom|21}} The Set tortured the Malwish for information, killing some of them.{{book ref|bom|30}} Petrine was among the captives that that were eventually taken into the mountains to help search for the temple.{{book ref|bom|21}}
The captives were kept in a tent and were not able to contend with the cold weather in the mountains; Jordis was surprised that Petrine survived so long in the cold, given her age. When the situation became truly desperate, Petrine suggested that the Malwish make one final effort to resist their captors, even if they were killed doing so. However, [[Allik]] then arrived to release them, and he helped Petrine and the rest of the crew recover using [[unsealed metalminds|medallions]]. [[Steris]] had brought guns to arm the Malwish, and Petrine helped distribute them before the group engaged the Set in a gunfight.{{book ref|bom|29}}
== Notes ==